Dear Dems, You don't get to tell us what to care about and what to vote about.
Your woke reign of terrorizing every day folks seems to be pretty much over. But you'll keep trying for a time, rather than look in the mirror and assess where you went wrong.
Going into the election I was told by a whole lot of people why what I was prioritizing was dumb. Why do you care about that? It’s a fringe issue. Covid is over. Boys in girls’ sports isn’t happening. There are so few trans kids why are you making this an issue? (Subtext: you’re an idiot influenced by far Right loons spouting off about this. You can’t think for yourself. You’re a bigot to the core, and you follow any fear mongering stuff put in front of you. I don’t know what happened to you, Jen.)
Here’s what happened.
No one gets to tell me what to care about. I get to care about what I want to care about.
And for the last 9-10 years, the far Left has been not only telling us what we need to care about, but smearing us and even cancelling many of us, if we didn’t agree. Or if we just asked any questions.
We have been called racists, misogynists, Nazis, grandma killers, trans-phobes, bigots, fascists and generally just cast aside as grade-A assholes, unworthy of employment or membership in polite society.
Well, last night was a big fuck you to that.
The Left cancelled a few too many of us. The outcasts spoke up and rejected the crazy last night. Yeah we chose our own brand of crazy. But, that brand of crazy knows that men and women are different, he knows boys don’t belong in girls’ sports, that inflation is real, and that Harris was installed not elected as their candidate. No matter how much propaganda they spewed at us about BRAT and joy, we saw through it.
The Left mobilized literally all of the mainstream “respectability media” and Hollywood. They had Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Taylor Swift, Bruce Springsteen, Cardi B, Katy Perry, Meryl Streep, Mark Cuban, Oprah, Jennifer Garner, Reese Witherspoon and on and on. And it wasn’t enough.
Here’s just my list, off the top of my head, of what people rejected yesterday. Not everyone rejected all of it. But in total, it’s an egregious list. And people who were fed up cast a vote for a man they never in a million years thought they would vote for. A protest vote, against elitism and smugness and an entire class of coastal over-educated people who do not know how to make a single thing, but think they just get to tell us all what to think and do and how to live — and punish us with cancellation if we disagree.
And so Democrats, before you start calling us all irredeemable racists — a strategy that provably no longer works to coerce us to do what you want — maybe look in the mirror. It’s you. Not him. Not us. It’s you.
The list:
You view anyone who disagrees with you as a garbage deplorable.
You try to convince us that he thinks we’re garbage but we know that isn’t true. You feign outrage about jokes and staged campaign events but we no longer buy your faux outrage. It’s dumb (your outrage). We like jokes. And stunts. And rambling with authenticity (even when it goes on a little too long).
You venerate experts — who are wrong again and again and again. We are tired of your experts. We want no experts.
When it was obvious covid lockdowns and mandates and school closures were terrible policy (led by your experts) — both ineffective and harmful — what did you do? Did you reverse course? No, you doubled down. Masking 2-year olds, keeping schools closed for a year and a half. Demonizing anyone who wondered about the lab leak or learning loss. My life’s course was forever altered by not only these policies but the Left’s McCarthy style blacklist campaign. I. Will. Never. Forget. Sorry, I just won’t. And I get to do that. You don’t get to tell me we were doing our best, just chill already. No, I will not.
You mandated masks on babies, shots for babies, you did the bidding of the teachers’ unions to the detriment of the nation’s most vulnerable children, and then — when you did let our kids back in school — you made them sit on buckets outside in the rain to eat and forbade talking and socializing because . . . well, you know, that’s super-spreading activity. But private school kids went back a year before public school kids and had relative normalcy and you cemented your elitism with this grotesque-ness. That’s the real deplorability. Your classism which you disguise and pretend is anti-racism.
You told men — for a decade — they were toxic. They had no value. They needed to sit down, shut up and take their medicine, which included joblessness, being smeared constantly, being generally viewed as garbage humans with nothing to contribute to the world except “toxic masculinity.” You me-too’ed them into oblivion for a sideways glance at the water cooler (then you said men should be allowed in women’s locker rooms and the women who objected were the problem). Men rejected that. I wonder why?
Amidst the misery of covid you gave us a candidate who was barely sentient, even at the time. You told us he was the best Biden ever and we went along because — I’m not sure why. I went along, albeit very briefly and with much distress and inner conflict. I admit it, though. I voted for him. I thought the Dems had pursued a zero-covid strategy to position themselves against Trump and would let it go if Biden won. He won and they didn’t let it go. Election night 2020 is the only time I can remember having voted for the candidate who won and wishing he wouldn’t have. I regretted my vote instantly, in real time.
You told us we had to make abortion — or reproductive healthcare as you euphemistically call it — our number one issue. When it isn’t. You told us we hated women if we didn’t make abortion our number one issue. You told us women were dying because they couldn’t get abortions but the number of abortions went up since Dobbs. And we can read.
You gave out money like candy during covid and beyond because you took away people’s ability to support their families and thought a $1000 check would satisfy them. It didn’t. Plus it drove record inflation which we are still experiencing and then you said it was a figment of our imaginations even though our grocery bills had doubled.
You threatened to take our gas cars and stoves. Then, in California, you shut down the electrical grid. Making us wonder how this would all go down when we had fully transitioned to electric. You would remove our ability — again, through different means — to move freely. No.
You told us men could be women if they simply said they were. You said we were bigots if we disagreed. You said young women needed to let these often fetishistic men into their locker rooms. And if women refused, they’d be the ones who couldn’t ever get a job. The threats were never ending. But it seems maybe Morning Joe is realizing this wasn’t a good strategy. And he’s pretending he always knew it was a loser. Just this morning, he said:
By the way, as we’ve said on this show a thousand times, Democrats should be smarter on the women’s athletics thing. 85% of Americans oppose men transitioning after puberty and competing against women. And I’m not just saying this the day after the election. I’ve been saying this for years. This is not a hard call.
Well, apparently it was a hard call.
You told us Biden was fine, the best Biden ever (that was Morning Joe earlier this year) when we could see with our own eyes and ears that that was very much not the case.
Then you shoved him aside and installed your own candidate, without a primary, without a single vote. You told us she was Brat and joyful and moderate and articulate and we could see all of that was bullshit.
You let the pro-Hamas caucus take over college campuses. You didn’t condemn the anti-semitism rampant in our cities. You were afraid of losing that contingent on the far Left —the Squad caucus — and you lost them anyway.
DEI. Enough said.
You censored us. Not figuratively. Literally. We were banned from saying anything sensible about covid, you deployed Big Tech and social media companies to do your bidding and then you denied it and said monitoring “misinformation” and “hate speech” was for our own good. You said saying “no males in women’s sports” is hate speech. And we rejected that.
You commandeered the mainstream media to be your propagandists.
And we saw through it.
You cancelled or threatened to cancel way too many of us. You took the lies too far and we rejected it decisively. He won the popular vote and crushed the electoral vote, likely winning all 7 swing states — though the mainstream media is hesitant to make that declaration. They are pretending it was close. Kind of.
Will you stop and assess or will you attack us — more than half the country — as irredeemable? Joy Reid insists Harris ran a flawless campaign. That’s like saying the Superbowl losers — who perhaps lost by A LOT — ran a flawless game. You can’t lose and have run a flawless campaign. It was inherently flawed, by definition.
I doubt they will look in the mirror just yet. But America chose one of the most controversial, polarizing — and yes, even unpopular in many ways — candidate over the generic Democrat. Because we have all had enough of your experts, your condescension, your smugness, your dishonesty, your cancelling, your judgement.
We. Are. Done.
"Because we have all had enough of your experts, your condescension, your smugness, your dishonesty, your cancelling, your judgement."
AMEN! I held my nose and voted for Trump for this reason.
After last tonight the Democratic Party (my party) must rethink many of its policies as it ponders its future.
To have a chance at victory Democrats should try listening to the concerns of the working class for a change. As a lifelong moderate Democrat I share their distain for many of the insane positions advocated by my party.
Democrat politicians defy biology by believing that men can actually become women and belong in women’s sports, rest rooms, locker rooms and prisons and that children should be mutilated in pursuit of the impossible.
They believe borders should be open to millions of illegals which undermines workers’ wages and the affordability of housing when we can’t house our own citizens.
They discriminate against whites, Asians and men in a vain effort to counter past discrimination against others and undermine our economy by abandoning merit selection of students and employees.
Democratic mayors allow homelessness to destroy our beautiful cities because they won't say no to destructive behavior. No you can’t camp in this city. No you can’t shit in our streets No you can’t shoot up and leave your used needles everywhere. Many of our prosecutors will not take action against shoplifting unless a $1000 of goods are stolen leading to gangs destroying retail stores. They release criminals without bond to rob and murder again.
The average voter knows this is happening and outright reject our party. Enough.