Thank you Jen. I was waiting for a good explanation, or connection of the dots for me between the wokism and antisemitism. It is clearer for me now, and once again, very hard to discover the state which humanity is in.

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Au contraire . . . Pardonne mon français . . . Je suis obligé d'écrire dans plusieurs langues parce que : 1. La plupart des gens aux États-Unis ont subi un lavage de cerveau leur faisant croire que les Juifs sont leur salut ; et 2., leur anglais est de la merde et ils ne peuvent pas rester silencieux assez longtemps pour entendre ou voir ce qui se passe évidemment autour d'eux . . . Le judéo-messianisme répand parmi nous son message empoisonné depuis près de deux mille ans. Les universalismes démocratique et communiste sont plus récents, mais ils n’ont fait que renforcer le vieux récit juif. Ce sont les mêmes idéaux.

Les idéaux transnationaux, transraciaux, transsexuels, transculturels que ces idéologies nous prêchent (au-delà des peuples, des races, des cultures) et qui sont le subsistance quotidienne de nos écoles, dans nos médias, dans notre culture populaire, à nos universités, et sur nos rues, ont fini par réduire notre identité biosymbolique et notre fierté ethnique à leur expression minimale.

Les banquiers juifs ont inondé l’Europe de musulmans et l’Amérique de déchets du tiers-monde . . . L'exil comme punition pour ceux qui prêchent la sédition devrait être rétabli dans le cadre juridique de l'Occident . . . Le judaïsme, le christianisme, et l’islam sont des cultes de mort originaires du Moyen-Orient et totalement étrangers à l’Europe et à ses peuples.

On se demande parfois pourquoi la gauche européenne s’entend si bien avec les musulmans. Pourquoi un mouvement souvent ouvertement antireligieux prend-il le parti d’une religiosité farouche qui semble s’opposer à presque tout ce que la gauche a toujours prétendu défendre ? Une partie de l’explication réside dans le fait que l’Islam et le marxisme ont une racine idéologique commune : le judaïsme.

Don Rumsfeld avait raison lorsqu’il disait : «L’Europe s’est décalé sur son axe», c’est le mauvais côté qui a gagné la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et cela devient chaque jour plus clair . . . Qu’a fait l’OTAN pour défendre l’Europe? Absolument rien . . . Mes ennemis ne sont pas à Moscou, à Damas, à Téhéran, à Riyad ou dans quelque croque-mitaine teutonique éthéré, mes ennemis sont à Washington, Bruxelles et Tel Aviv . . . Va te faire foutre toi et ton dieu juif.


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They laid it out clear in the DEI stuff & BLM material. I was shocked when my Jewish family said their rabbis supported BLM.. they must of never read their “charter”. 😐

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Nov 5, 2023Liked by Jennifer Sey

Disturbingly it seems that a big part of the problem is not peoples convictions and beliefs. Rather, it is their lack of convictions and beliefs that leaves them available to host any radical social campaign that is fed to them. It is the same problem that plagues us as a race and hopefully we shall someday evolve.

I’m constantly amused(dismayed) by the absolute ignorance exhibited by people who are so actively protesting or advocating some dire “social issue”. Most have no idea of the history or significance of the things they are rallied against,leaving history to repeat itself over and over.

The beauty of this platform,and others like it is that we all get to discuss this amongst ourselves and actually digest the stories. The gibbering mainstream mainliners just get injected with a narrative.

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My wife and I are Jewish. Our older daughter graduated from college two years ago. I left a graduation celebration early and took an Uber back to my hotel. The driver, who was Black, and I got into some small talk about what was going on in the world at the time. He had mentioned that there was bombing occurring in Israel, in the direction of civilian areas. The missiles originated in Gaza and were mostly, but not totally, getting intercepted by the Iron Dome. The driver was deeply upset about this because his family was in Haifa and having to protect themselves from the bombs. You see, it turns out, his family, the Black people In Haifa, were Jews from Ethiopia.

How do you think the Wokesters deal with that?

By the way, one other point. Tlaib claims to be a person of color. The US Department of Labor, in its Affirmative Action guide, refers to people with Middle East heritage to be White. Yup. White. So, Tlaib is no more a person of color than any Jew is. Sorry Rashida.

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Your driver was black, not Black. Good comment otherwise.

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My sincere hope is that it is becoming more obvious to more people the true motivations behind these "social" causes. And that the backlash has started. At least that is my prayer.

You are so right about the lack of interest in China who currently supports every major evil that the "good protestors" are protesting against, and somehow gets a pass. It is a clear demonstration of both the ignorance of the "useful idiots" and the hypocrisy of the far left moment.

I am very thankful that you have your voice, Ms. Sey, and that the NY Post gave you a wider audience than just here.

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Here's a link to a clip from Billboard Chris, in which Antifa radicals get schooled by Muslim women regarding "transition" of children (or adults for that matter) as, according to strict Islamacist fundamentalist strictures, same sex attraction and opposite sex identification are against their religion. Be sure to watch to the end, where they bring up "The 3 Abrahamic religions" as if the young women were part of the Muslim world with "toleration" of Judaism and Christianity as sibling religions to Islam. The real "colonialists" of the Middle East were the Turks, during the Ottoman Empire.

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Much as the Arabs were the colonisers of North Africa and Spain during the Mohammedan conquest of the 7th/8th century.

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Excellent, thoughtful, important post Jen!

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What your piece has really highlighted to me is that wokeism is stupid, and devoid of any sense or sensibility. Historically, two countries (both in the East) welcomed Jews - China and India. By the way, if any of these woke people tried their woke nonsense in either of those countries, they’d soon find themselves in serious trouble with the authorities.

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As Jen so aptly said, in the mind of the woke, the Jews aren’t merely white, but super white; even though they have been persecuted since the age of the Pharaohs. The history of the Jews in my ancestral land, Thessaloniki, goes back 2,000 years until the Nazi’s invaded Greece in 1943 and sent almost all of them to death camps. The woke need to be seen as evil as the Nazi’s and they use the same tactics.

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Hear hear! Well said.

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Chilling. "........ Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me." A very dangerous slippery slope indeed. Very sad that the younger generation has been so intentionally uninformed of history.

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Nov 5, 2023·edited Nov 5, 2023

I don't think it unbelievable that our government could have a financial incentive to support Israel. Just because you have a genuine interest doesn't mean Ilhan Omar can't also be right about those people she works with. You're a businesswoman after all, not a politician.

I guess my social circle isn't woke enough, because I have never seen Jews described as "oppressors." They are a victim class once slaughtered by Nazis in much the same way many of today's African Americans are descended from slaves. We've all seen people blaming "Nazis" for America's problems, which to me sounds like an endorsement of Israel.

But I do see frequent criticisms of China and (some of) its government's cruelty. Such criticism is encouraged by the coining of "BIPOC," a term excluding Asians who are maybe actually privileged.

Wokeness never did make any sense...

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I really appreciated this post. I'm not Jewish and have struggled to understand a lot of this. I'm also from Minnesota and see and hear often what Ilhan Omar does and says. She is so beloved amongst progressive liberals in Minnesota, and I've never understood it. She goes out of her way to be divisive and loud on so many issues. Thank you.

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