Ardern's Legacy
The Prime Minister of New Zealand will be remembered for widespread discrimination, restricting basic civil rights and weakening a robust democracy.
New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, resigned this week. Despite headlines claiming “She’s an icon to many. . .”
. . . her legacy is one of extreme government overreach, curtailment of basic civil liberties, censorship, implementation of a snitch culture and discrimination. (Oh . . . also out of control inflation and accelerated gang violence.)
Apparently, Ardern was too focused on zero covid (which she misguidedly and tyrannically attempted to achieve by controlling the speech, movement and autonomy of the citizens of New Zealand) to tackle anything else impacting their lives. In fact, she even denied the citizens had any issue at all with covid restrictions, claiming protests were staged by “imported” actors.
And New Zealanders have had enough. Her approval rating is below 30%. And despite certain breathless headlines claiming sexism, it seems obvious Ardern sees the writing on the wall.
The fact is: if you fail to listen to the citizens who elected you for long enough — taking away their basic individual rights and freedoms, telling them what they should care about instead of listening to them tell you what they actually do care about — you will eventually be ousted. It can only be imagined that she sees that coming and is hoping if she steps away, the people of New Zealand will allow her to go quietly.
But I want to focus for a moment on the blatant discrimination she proudly advocated for. In the video linked here, she is prompted by this statement from a reporter:
“You said this [. . .] is going to be like there are two different classes of people. If you are vaccinated or if you are unvaccinated. You have all these rights if you are vaccinated.”
She proudly responds:
“That is what it is. So yep. . . yep!”
She goes on:
“[Vaccine passports] are not just a tool to drive up vaccines. They’re a tool for confidence. People who are vaccinated will want to know they are around other vaccinated people.”
She is smiling and smug and oh-so-condescending when she says these things, so seemingly sure in the moral superiority and righteousness of denying the unvaccinated basic rights. But imagine proudly saying these things about any other group of people? This group has certain rights but this other one doesn’t?
The argument from the pro-discrimination crowd would be: It’s a choice to be unvaccinated, it’s not a choice to be black (or gay or trans or some other marginalized group.) But is it? Is it always?
What if you had one shot and had such an adverse reaction, you didn’t get another?
What if your doctor doesn’t recommend getting the vaccine because you have lymphoma (there is evidence that the mRNA vaccines can accelerate growth of these types of cancers)?
What if you had covid and, despite protestations from the CDC and public health officials more broadly, you know that it provides protection against severe future infection (because you can read)?
What if you’re a young man — the group known to be at higher risk of myocarditis with the vaccine?
What if you’re trying to have a baby?
I could go on.
And of course, there is the practical issue: this vaccine does not stop infection or transmission. So in a very real sense, the sense of “confidence” Ardern describes is based on a belief and a feeling, not a fact. I am confident I am safe when I am not around the [dirty] unvaccinated. The same way discrimination against black people [or Jewish people, gay people, etc] is rooted in the false belief that they are somehow lesser humans and that taint is to be avoided at all cost.
This blatant discrimination of denying rights to the unvaccinated — and having unabashed pride in it — is Ardern’s legacy. It is not one of overcoming misogyny to lead with empathy and kindness. She will not be remembered for this oft-cited quote:
“Everything I've ever thought about doing has been, in some sense, about helping people.”
Or this one:
“Yes, we need a robust democracy, but you can be strong, and you can be kind.”
Rather, I’d wager she will be remembered for widespread discrimination, ignoring the will of the people, restricting basic civil rights in an unprecedented fashion and weakening a robust democracy.
And she did this all while pretending to be a champion of the people.
Ardern’s resignation demonstrates an unwillingness to face the consequences of her failed policies. But ultimately, it is also recognition that the voice of the people can and will prevail.
I am hoping Trudeau gets ARDERNed soon......
#6 - what if you simply aren’t in the habit of taking brand new medications which were rushed through the normal protocols?