I am hoping Trudeau gets ARDERNed soon......

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Look at what I just found..... https://gettr.com/post/p25u21hf5dd

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#6 - what if you simply aren’t in the habit of taking brand new medications which were rushed through the normal protocols?

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yes that too.

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alarmingly, i fear her replacement might be worse! it's interesting how these ugly people begin to manifest the ugliness of their souls in the ugliness of their physical beings

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She’s an actual monster.

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The Star Tribune in Minnesota had a column in the editorial section praising that evil tyrant. Very few people here in the Midwest of the US know how ugly her mandates were. Minnesota was totally under the control of Fauchi and the Pharma Industrial Complex. The fools make the debate political and believe in the narrative completely. God help us.

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We don't treat people who have promiscuous unprotected sex as lesser, despite the dangers they pose to their partners. Nor do we treat smokers and alcoholics as second class citizens. If it were truly acceptable to discriminate against those who make the "wrong" choice, The Sneetches would have ended with everyone choosing to get a star.

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Good essay, Jennifer, thank you! There is a short list of covid tyrants that are at the top of my despicable list. Ardern is on it! The simpering superiority ... the eagerness to divide and condemn.

Do Trudeau next, for favor.

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Arden was a loyal Globalist Communist. Next stop, Blackrock. I hope the People of New Zealand can take their Freedom back before the next Global Communist assumes control.

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Don't know Adern well, but it seems to me a big part of her legacy will be helping to push through gun control legislation after the 2019 mosque massacre. Whether you agree with that change or not, the speed with which she took action would be unfathomable in the US.

Also re: COVID, isn't it also worth looking at the data, and noting that NZ has a COVID mortality rate (to-date) of 0.1%, vs. the US with COVID mortality almost ten times higher? There could be a real debate as to which country's approach to COVID restrictions and vaccinated peoples' "rights" is morally superior, but to do that I think you have to at least acknowledge the different outcomes from those two approaches.

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The different outcomes are due to more than just medical response approach. Comparing the US to New Zealand given the size, population, diversity, and especially the health/comorbidity differences is apples and oranges. Sweden took the precise opposite approach as New Zealand and also did far better than the US in outcomes. Correlation is not causation.

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Don't you find it a bit suspicious that it happened so fast and just in time to disarm the serfs

so you can bring in total lockdowns without fear of a dissenting armed uprising. Followed by a CBDC plan along with all the treats that go with the implementation of the globalist agenda.

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I read what You Have Written.

& I like What You Sey !


Have A Great Sun-Shiny-Day.

EveryDay !

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New Zealand is also known as a very "pro gender ideology" nation. In my recent flurry of ex-wives of cross-dressing men, asking me to be their voice, I have 3 from that neck of the world. I'm still waiting for someone, any leader in the world, to recognize the pain, trauma and danger to psychological health of women whose husband suddenly engage in identity theft, saying they are "Mum" now.


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A prime example of the fact that Matriarchy can be just as ugly as "The Patriarchy."

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Ardern was a curse for New Zealand. The globalist cabal sought to force her upon us all as an ideal example of where we should all be heading. They failed miserably on the global push, almost as miserably as Ardern failed within New Zealand.

But, like with all these failed politicians, they quietly move off the stage with a massive pension, and for Ardern, a likely lucrative job in some global institution to reward her for her loyalty to the Davos cabal. A loyalty paid for by her gross betrayal of New Zealand and New Zealanders.

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