Gavin Newsom pretends to care about fairness in girls' sports
And XX-XY Athletics drops a new ad illustrating what happens to girls and women who dare to speak up in defense of fairness and safety in their sports.
I woke up this morning to the news that California Governor Gavin Newsom acknowledged that having boys compete in girls’ sports is unfair. A win? Not so fast.
Newsom said “it is an issue of fairness. It is deeply unfair.”
He went on to say, as it pertains to fairness “that is easy to call out. The unfairness of that.”
Here is what he didn’t say: I will make sure that it doesn’t happen anymore. I will uphold the President’s executive order. I will make sure that the boy who won the long jump and the triple jump in a California track meet last weekend doesn’t go on to win states in the girls’ division. He can compete in the boys’ division. He won’t be excluded, but I’ll make sure it’s fair for girls.
No, he didn’t say any of that.
Instead, Newsom hemmed and hawed about how these boys will kill themselves if they aren’t permitted to compete in women’s sports.
Newsom is trying to position himself as a centrist to get back in the running as a Presidential candidate. This man has no principles. He has had no change of heart. He holds no firm beliefs. He simply sees which way the political winds are blowing. And he’s trying to present himself as a moderate.
In the end, Newsom didn’t say that he’d do anything about the issue! Instead, he pivoted straight to emotional blackmail, essentially saying well, we’ve got to just accept it and give the guys what they want even though it is unfair for girls, otherwise they might kill themselves.
What about the girls? Don’t they matter? What girl will want to participate in sports if she knows her opportunities don’t matter, her safety doesn’t matter, her hard work doesn’t matter, fairness for her doesn’t matter? What girl will develop any sort of self worth if she is constantly told “hey it’s not fair to you, but it must be done, because his feelings will be hurt, otherwise”?
Well, I think fairness for girls does matter. And at XX-XY Athletics our mission is to encourage the 80% of Americans who agree with that to stand up and say so.
Today, we released a new video called You Can’t Speak. So Speak. This video lays out what happens to female athletes when they dare stand up for the integrity of women’s sports. They are bullied, threatened, assaulted; they lose employment opportunities, sponsorship opportunities and sometimes their careers; their livelihoods and physical safety are put at risk. What about these women, Governor Newsom? Don’t they matter?
And yes, the video is a response to Nike’s Super Bowl ad which ran in February’s big game. The premise of Nike’s ad is that women are told all sorts of things — you can’t win, you can’t fill stadiums, you can’t be emotional . . . and they need to get out there and do it anyway, gosh darn it!
Nike is jousting at windmills. Women aren’t told any of these things. Caitlin Clark does fill stadiums. Female athletes throw tennis rackets and fits and it makes us love them even more.
But you know what women and girls are told? They are told that they can’t speak in their own defense, for the protection of women’s sports. If they do it, they pay an extremely heavy price. Watch:
Newsom’s mealy mouthed perseveration means nothing. His political calculations without any action behind them mean nothing. And Democrats will continue to lose until they let go of the misogyny and take women’s sex-based rights seriously.
To all my friends and readers out there: You can’t speak. So speak. And keep doing it until the left listens. And then do it some more.
You can contact Gavin Newsom here:
The message I sent him:
As a lifelong Democrat who now votes straight Republican because of the Democrats' wholehearted embrace of gender ideology, I welcome your recent remarks on the unfairness of boys in girls' sports.
Now: actions speak louder than words. Please immediately introduce legislation to repeal the 2014 "School Success and Opportunity Act", AB.1266, which privileges "gender identity" over sex in school facilities and activities.
If you do not do this, your attempted political pivot will fail. Those of us Democrats who are aware and active on this issue will not be fooled by any mere words.
Thank you once again Jennifer for calling out the hypocrisy of opportunistic politicians like Gavin Newsom - and for your unrelenting defense against male participation in girls/women's sports. I particularly like how XX-XY Athletics has retooled the premise of Nike's hollow ad campaign to female athletes to speak up with courage for fairness and safety in women's sports. Just do it - just speak up. What a powerful video.