You can contact Gavin Newsom here: https://www.gov.ca.gov/contact

The message I sent him:

As a lifelong Democrat who now votes straight Republican because of the Democrats' wholehearted embrace of gender ideology, I welcome your recent remarks on the unfairness of boys in girls' sports.

Now: actions speak louder than words. Please immediately introduce legislation to repeal the 2014 "School Success and Opportunity Act", AB.1266, which privileges "gender identity" over sex in school facilities and activities.

If you do not do this, your attempted political pivot will fail. Those of us Democrats who are aware and active on this issue will not be fooled by any mere words.

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His wishy-washy comments were the smallest of steps in the right direction. Taking action to ban males from female sport is the obvious next step. He has a long way to go; perhaps next revoke his transgender sanctuary state legislation. Then end gender affirming care (aka sterilization) for minors. How fast will this political chameleon change his public appearance? What values does he truly hold dear?

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Thank you once again Jennifer for calling out the hypocrisy of opportunistic politicians like Gavin Newsom - and for your unrelenting defense against male participation in girls/women's sports. I particularly like how XX-XY Athletics has retooled the premise of Nike's hollow ad campaign to female athletes to speak up with courage for fairness and safety in women's sports. Just do it - just speak up. What a powerful video.

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The hypocrisy is appalling. Not just Nike and Newsom--it reaches far and wide. Keep calling them out on it, Jen.

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This post brings me joy, because it is truth.

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Just to be clear, Newsom says "these poor people are more likely to have anxiety and depression" followed immediately by "the way people talk down to vulnerable communities is an issue I have a hard time with." Mr Governor, didn't YOU just do that by referring to them as "these poor people"?? You rock Jen-keep banging the drum!!!

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And his premise is in fact false (sorry, I wish I had a bingo sign “false” emoj). The most recent data is that those who “transition” have higher suicide rates and lower IQ than comparable “normies.” Letting a boy in womanface beat real girls helps no one.

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The ad is amazing. What is so sad is that it even needs to be made!!!

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I wish someone would ask Newsom if he knew why Kier Anderson, a natal male, is serving time in the women's prison in California. The answer is he murdered his wife, Jennifer (mother of their 2 young daughters) when she tried to leave. He'd been pressuring her to "adjust" to his new female identity and his demands to bring others into their intimate life. He gets to run a podcast called Ear Hustle from the women's prison estate, 25 to life, for death by strangulation and moving her body from the scene of the crime in an attempt to make it appear suicide.

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Oh my. The world is so upside down

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Newsom is a snake and Democrats will love him in 2028.

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Gavin shows again that he is a smiling psychopath. Evil evil evil man.

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Gavin Newsom talks about how “we need to change the conversation.” No, it’s more like HE needs to change the conversation. He’s hoping that people will ignore his record. Words mean nothing, actions are how we judge what a candidate will do.

This is clearly an attempt by Newsome to gaslight the public; if he becomes the Democrat nominee for president in 28, I’m sure he’ll get a lot of help from the mainstream media to deceive the electorate.

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This onetime Democrat (now an Independent) will never again vote for a Democrat. They are beyond disgusting.

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Trans ideology strips identity from children just when they are discovering who they are. This is because, like morality, they’re cutting all moorings and anchors of self, leaving the next generation bereft of any point of reference or framing for their nature and purpose. This is yet another seismic shift in their development which accommodates transforming them into anything ghastly the powers that shouldn’t be desire.

But more importantly to the parasite predators at the top pushing this vile sickness down upon us: The primary objective of this orchestrated trans movement is to get rid of and delegitimize age-of-consent laws by pretending little kids are actually “little adults”, mature enough to decide anything for themselves, so that when they are raped by actual adults its “consensual”. In the horrific linked which in very deep detail shows just how advanced the pedophile war on the next generation is, an ACLU lawyer argues that children as young as two know whether they are trans or not, and that castrating them is their choice, meanwhile the WHO is pushing masturbation from birth into the global school curriculum: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/demons-disguised-as-guardians-philanthropic

Pedophilia is rising and they stripped civics out of school curriculums specifically to suppress citizen action from stepping in and ending vile madness just like this: Podesta talks creating compliant citizenry by doing so: https://tritorch.com/degradation/podestaDropCivics.png [image]

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I'm having a hard time believing the Governor has seen the light. He said it's an issue of fairness but also hinted he's concerned about hurting the feelings of boys who want to be on girl's teams. He's been all in on transgender ideology for years and I believe that is where his heart is. BTW. SF Gate is very unhappy with Gavin.


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Yet California allows it! Fuck him! He’s a liar and grifter! He cleans out San Franfreakshow’s homeless to appease chinese officials! They leave, it’s back to the shithole it was! He’s a Demtard puppet!

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So fantastic!

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