I can’t directly relate to this issue, neither living in the US nor being American. But I liked the general ideas you raise in terms of who decides for their kids, so I hope you’ll permit to share some general views.
“...inform public education in a way that puts students’ needs first” - isn’t it illogical and insane that anyone could thi…
I can’t directly relate to this issue, neither living in the US nor being American. But I liked the general ideas you raise in terms of who decides for their kids, so I hope you’ll permit to share some general views.
“...inform public education in a way that puts students’ needs first” - isn’t it illogical and insane that anyone could think this is something to be scoffed at? I mean, whose needs should come first in schools? That is not discount that teachers also have needs in terms of fair pay, working conditions, etc. But surely their grievances, if any, should go to whoever hires and pays them?
“It is helpful to have a community of like-minded parents to remind you that you aren’t crazy. Or evil”, and to remind you that you are not alone. “...aren’t many of these same “Lefties” anti-school choice while availing themselves of the very school choice that they decry as hateful and racist?” - UK Labour party women decry private schooling, except for their own kids.
I can’t directly relate to this issue, neither living in the US nor being American. But I liked the general ideas you raise in terms of who decides for their kids, so I hope you’ll permit to share some general views.
“...inform public education in a way that puts students’ needs first” - isn’t it illogical and insane that anyone could think this is something to be scoffed at? I mean, whose needs should come first in schools? That is not discount that teachers also have needs in terms of fair pay, working conditions, etc. But surely their grievances, if any, should go to whoever hires and pays them?
“It is helpful to have a community of like-minded parents to remind you that you aren’t crazy. Or evil”, and to remind you that you are not alone. “...aren’t many of these same “Lefties” anti-school choice while availing themselves of the very school choice that they decry as hateful and racist?” - UK Labour party women decry private schooling, except for their own kids.