Jen-YOU ARE NOT CRAZY!!! It’s just that people with the ability to see clearly and think rationally are being gaslit and demonized. Keep speaking TRUTH!

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We can agree to disagree agreeably on the abortion issue, but on this I agree: No “chicks with d*cks” in women’s sports. It truly feels like we’re living in some sort of weird, dystopian Kafkaesque universe.

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“I’m a pro-choice (with restrictions) former Democrat. I care about a woman’s right to choose. But I don’t know how you can claim to be the protector of women’s rights if you think woman is a fungible term?”

Me too.

The Democratic Party (my party) must rethink many of its policies as it ponders its future.

To have a chance at victory Democrats should try listening to the concerns of the working class for a change. As a lifelong moderate Democrat I share their distain for the insane positions advocated by my party.

Democrat politicians defy biology by believing that men can actually become women and belong in women’s sports, rest rooms, locker rooms and prisons and that children should be mutilated in pursuit of the impossible.

Politicians like Harris believe borders should be open to millions of illegals which undermines workers’ wages and the affordability of housing when we can’t house our own citizens.

They discriminate against whites, Asians and men to counter past discrimination against others and undermine our economy by abandoning merit selection of students and employees.

Democratic mayors allow crime and homelessness to destroy our beautiful cities because they won't say no to destructive behavior.

The average voter knows this is happening and outright reject our party. Enough.

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Well said, Jen. Thank you for fighting this good fight. It'll be interesting to see how Kamala speaks to this issue during the campaign.

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The Democratic Party will lose this election if, in any debate, the moderator asks: “What is a Woman?” The Biden administration dismantled Title IC, and arguably most, if not all Democratic politicians, have the same agenda: to undermine women’s rights to fair play in sports, to private spaces in bathrooms, locker rooms, podiums, and even prisons. Global societies have been hacked through political and social terrorism. We changed the way we describe and define things. We used neutral words like “anti-war,” but now we use medical terms like “phobia” to suppress free speech and logic. Thank you all for speaking up here and everywhere you can!

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It’s not even funny. “What we can see with our own eyes”…in the tight bicycle pants on the podium! How can these people be taken seriously? How can they take away women’s rights by claiming to be women when they so glaringly are NOT.

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Website listing girls and women who were cheated out of sports prizes by boys and men. There are over 1000, and the list keeps growing.


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Sorry but ... just looking at that podium photo of the cyclists and something stands out for the character in the middle with the red top and sun glasses (Jordan Lothrop?) What has he/she/it got in those trousers?

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I must have been writing the same thing as you posted!

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Jul 24
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They aren't required to suppress testosterone though. They don't have to do anything except identify as a woman. That's how stupid it is.

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I wonder how many of us are former Democrats?

it’s sad , though how many of my friends , who are Democrats., have no idea about the change in Title IX or don’t really care.

Why don’t the lies turn them off? Why do they think it’s OK to go with the lies in order to please the tiny trans community? It isn’t “ kind” to lie !

If Democrats say, they stand for women, it’s not just the abortion issue …..it’s much more so the trans ideology that is affecting so many more people, not just women.

Kamala Harris deliberately lied about the trans ideology, stating that it is “ women’s history” and “ women’s rights”! Really, Kamala?

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I often ask myself this same question. Why don't they care?

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I think it's because they buy the idea that there are women trapped in men's bodies. They think, "How awful for those women! We must help these poor women in any way we can! OF COURSE we must welcome them in any women's space!"

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They cleverly packaged themselves with the LGBT crowd and managed to convince them they were the most marginalized of all. The majority of the ones causing issues are white men. Does that surprise anyone?

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Jul 24
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Depends on the sport and what the governing bodies decide. However, it is already a matter of law in most blue states that a proclaimed "identity" is sufficient for all legal purposes, and you can change your sex on your state-issued ID at will. Here, for example, is the form to do so in Pennsylvania:


Also, the US government allows you to declare whatever sex you want on your US passport:

> You can select male (M), female (F), or unspecified or another gender identity (X) as the gender marker on your U.S. passport book and card. The gender you select does not need to match the gender on your citizenship evidence or photo ID. You do not need to provide medical documentation to change your gender marker.


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Jackson should have said this when asked to define a woman. How can someone who doesn't know or pretends not to know legal definitions expect to be taken seriously as a justice?

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Was this in place when she was testifying? These "laws" seem to change pretty frequently nowadays.

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Yes, her response showed her ignorance of the law on this.

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Well said Jennifer! I particularly liked when you said: “ I find it insulting that the Democratic Party seems to think the only right I care about is abortion” and “I don’t know how you can claim to be the protector of women’s rights if you think woman is a fungible term?” But it was all brilliant!

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Why don't women see that the democrats have dangled federal abortion protections in front of us for over 50 years yet they never really tried to get it codified into the constitution? It's sickening that they let that freak in Texas overturn it in his state and did nothing for the next two years so they could once again try to act like the heroes at election time. I'm tired of it.

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Thanks for bringing us that cycling result, because this is what we've been predicting for years already. Linda Blade, long term women's sports advocate and author of Unsporting has stated it's only a matter of a few years before men dominate, as in that race. I'm waiting for 2 men to compete as women in the mixed biathlon or archery competitions so that the men on the actually mixed teams of 1 man and 1 woman can rise up and rebel. After reviewing the child development training I had for my kindergarten teacher career, I find that "trans" individuals are regressing to a pre-operational (in Piaget terms, age 3-7) level of cognition. I'll be working on this and posting on my channel soon. Meanwhile, do visit Lime Soda Films YT channel for the third trailer of Behind the Looking Glass, a documentary profiling 18 trans widows. The shockers are the sexual crimes these crossdressing husbands never get charged for.

For a Piaget refresher, btw, NIH lists these stages of development on its site also:


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Yeah, the past few weeks have been insane, and as a former Democrat, Libertarian, Independent now registered as a Republican just to flip off the monolithic California "Republic," it is hard for me to believe that anyone sane or paying attention can vote for any Democrat. The party proved this week that the last 4 years have been lie after lie after lie, and let's end it with a non voting "election" for their presidential candidate. Who is a horrible, awful person who got her place in the California machine by sleeping her way to the top with a married man. Bravo!

If it is not obvious to someone by now why Trump is so hated by the machine then your ideology is blocking your brain. And any person who says we must save democracy by destroying millions of peoples votes, due to the parties lies, should be dismissed immediately. And even Abortion, the Supreme Court decision put the abortion issue BACK to the states, back to local elections, where democracy has preserved or expanded abortion in some areas and restricted in others, depending on what the local citizens have chosen.

I have never voted for Trump, never could imagine voting for Trump due to his personality more than his politics. But the last few weeks finally pushed me over the edge. Admittedly the edge got closer and closer with each month, including topics like men taking away opportunities for women in sports, etc, While my vote is unlikely to matter in a state like California, Fight Fight Fight!

BTW, I ordered two more XX-XY items yesterday on sale. Figure my little contribution to both the fight and your success.

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Trump is also a massive liar and asshole. Let's not pretend differently just because the democrats also failed us.

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All fair.

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He absolutely is. But I fear the totalitarian transqueer ideologues who have completely captured the Democrats in office more than I fear Trump and his minions.

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Me too.

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Yeah, I have never been a Trump fan but watching what is going on and how hard the political and media bureaucracy are fight him makes me reconsider. I do have it easy since in CA my vote really doesn’t count except as protest. I had some Kennedy interest until his VP choice. She seems so be squarely in the belly of the beast so no go. But as Former Dem says clearly Trump is an asshole and a liar. Just with all the machine aligned against him he is my pick in a field of assholes and liars.

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Honestly I was resigned to vote for Trump until this VP pick. The hateful rhetoric that AH is spewing is very eye opening. And anyone who says the VP isn't important, remember Trump is the same age Biden was when he was inaugurated, and he's already showing signs of slipping mentally.

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Who is AH?

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Interesting. I like Vance. (I'm from a small town in Ohio too, so that helps.) What has he said that's hateful? (I'm not trolling, I just haven't heard anything from him that would qualify, but I certainly haven't been following his every word.)

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We are living under the rule of a junta that is becoming more blatantly banana republic by the hour.

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Well said. As someone who has followed Track & Field for decades, it's amazing this common sense argument even has to be made, but apparently it does. With you all the way.

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Keep up the fight Jen! Your new apparel company XX-XY Athletics is helping get the truth out to so many of us! What a simple but great concept!

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If you’re concerned about the Title IX re-write and women’s rights in general, consider donating to The Independent Women’s Law Center, May Mailman director………

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Totally agree with your sentiments , thanks for sharing , however, with the creation of the “plan B” pill, are unrestricted abortions really a necessary requirement? Practicing safe sex can also limit the spread of STDs. Yes, unpredictable things can happen in the throes of passion.

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They're also trying to ban plan B and birth control if you haven't been paying attention. They truly believe they can bring us back to the 1940's as though women and minorities didn't rebel for any real reason.

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