Jun 14Liked by Jennifer Sey

Once in awhile some good news! I did not pay much attention to trans ideology until Riley Gaines swam in the Nationals and was forced to compete against a 6’4 man named Lia Thomas. I was absolutely stunned. Was the Babylon Bee running this event? My son was a very good competitive swimmer and I understand all the hard work and sacrifice that goes into the sport. Lia Thomas, his coach and his parents should be embarrassed. What a disgrace. I attended all my son’s swim meets. I was and still am incredibly proud of him and his accomplishments. Had he declared himself a girl and competed against the girls he would have won every event he swam in ( I think). And I would have been mortified! No way I would have supported such a travesty. How do the parents of Lia Thomas sit in the stadium and support their son doing this? It’s very wrong, and they know it. And Lia Thomas knows it. All his medals should be stripped away and the event results changed accordingly. The NCAA needs to stop with the madness. Same w the Olympic committee. I was just thinking back on how bloody long some of those swim meets were! I would joke with other parents by saying I think I just lived through the longest day of my life :). Now I miss those times!

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I hope you hear my applause all the way from Amarillo, TX (formerly, only two months ago, from Woke SW Washington). I am so sick of the incursion of biological males in female spaces. Everyone needs to wake up and quit pandering to the Woke narrative. It is a lie, it not reality, it is not biology. And yes, absolutely, it is CHEATING when it deprives a biological woman the opportunity to compete in women’s competitions. Thank you for your voice and your platform!

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Although the manifestation is “the incursion of biological males in female spaces,” the basic problem is better understood as the imposition of a sick and twisted denial of nature and common decency by people of both sexes in thrall to and promoting a sick and twisted ideology.

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Jun 14Liked by Jennifer Sey

Excellent and Boom!❤️🔥

Your statement “truth and bigotry are now treated as near neighbors” struck such a deep chord in me.

It’s the sign of our times. Frighteningly so.

It’s been a breathtaking phenomenon.

The source? Collective guilt about our previous judgement and treatment of Gays, Trans, Jews, Black and Brown people? Women?

The backlash has reached its extreme. Falling all over ourselves is one thing, cancelling, firing, ruining people’s careers is quite something else.

This thought has become insidious, poisonous, in its reckoning. Fear and judgment prevailing over common sense, there is no true tolerance or acceptance of differing points of view. No debate allowed. Disagree and you’re a horrific hater or such, My way or the highway.

Life is unfolding.

The Truth cannot be hidden for long.

“Overturn, overturn, I will overturn” (God)

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Jun 14Liked by Jennifer Sey

I like your term "cheating" too. One quibble with this, though: "World Aquatics last year created an “open” category to accommodate transgender swimmers." Aren't all the so-called "men's" events actually open to all? In professional golf, for example, there's the US Women's Open Championship and then there's the US Open Championship. There's no such thing as the 'US Men's Open Championship' (nor should there be, imo).

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Jun 14Liked by Jennifer Sey

It’s amazing how suggestible people are. I know intelligent, grown adults who thanks to a billion-dollar propaganda campaign think there is no difference between men and women when it comes to sports.

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William Thomas is a man, that is, an adult human male.

If he wants to participate in sports, he needs to participate against other males.

That is because there is no such thing as "transgender" or "trans," and nobody ever "transitions."

Sex is binary and immutable, and it doesn't matter how anybody feels about that.

This is untreated mental illness. He needs anti-psychotic medication and firm boundaries. He doesn't need estrogen, surgery, or anything else because a male cannot become a female, nor can he "feel like" he's a female. He doesn't have XX chromosomes and he'll never produce eggs.

The answer to all of it must be no. There is no other way around it.

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The 2009 iCarly episode "iCook" has an adult sign up for a kids' wrestling team because they're the only ones he can beat. How did some of us go from mocking the idea to embracing it in such a short time?


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Remember the film Ladybugs?

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It’s a small victory but vigilance must be maintained. The contingent that supports this garbage never go away…they just pull back and regroup. We’ve been fighting this in powerlifting now for years.

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I find the phrase “If there’s a Y, it’s a guy.” to be useful…

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Boo! Liar Thomas! You and others were given the option to compete with other trans , but didn’t take it! I wonder why? Because you can’t play fair!

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