It's astonishing that schools like Waldorf are so focused on providing every opportunity for boys who think they are girls that they overlook the rights and safety of the actual girls. Actual girls don't matter. Or maybe they just want to win...?
Bs. Those schools also pushed for girls to be on boys teams. Now people bitch because it works both ways. Karma finds a way. Stop the girls on boys teams and you’d have a valid argument. Girls took spots from boys on those teams. And game time. Did you object then?
I don’t want biological males on girls teams and I also don’t want biological females on boys teams. What’s not fair about that? Seems to me it is unfair to allow it in one direction but not the other. I’m also against Affirmative Action and DEI because they are also discriminated extensively against straight white males on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation since 1964. Guess I got tired of being discriminated against for decades because of my skin color, gender and sexual orientation.
Not completely accurate because indeed girls stole significant game time from thousands of boys. I’m a coach and I saw it. Why didn’t you complain than that one gender was impacting another by joining their previously single gender team. Sure looks hypocritical and sexist to me because it discriminates against one gender and because you now complain but didn’t when your side was winning. And to repeat, I don’t want biological males on female teams. Would be nice though if those who wanted it one direction and now don’t want it in the opposite direction would admit their mistake.
But it’s not the same is it? Yes, sometimes girls play on the boys team. In some cases there aren’t enough for a girls team, so they play with the boys. Or you could have a case of a really competitive girl who wants to ‘play up’ with the boys. Often it’s only in younger, elementary aged girls. I see girls playing on the boys team in the same manner as kids who play in an age division up from their own. It’s not unfair because they’re choosing to ‘play up’. It’s completely different when high school boys play on the girls team because then (in most cases) they are ‘playing down’ below their ability and therefore have an unfair competitive advantage.
Every single parent, teacher, coach, student or staff member, from both schools participating in this charade of DEI "fairness" designed to destroy women's sports deserve the absurdity of the outcome. There isn't one shred of honorable competition to celebrate as long as this continues. I am appalled at the lack of courage and stupidity that allows this nonsense to continue. When did parents stop parenting? More importantly, when did they become so cowed into silence that they no longer role model strength for their children? Grow a spine and find your damn voices!
The use of smart phones and other screens to "entertain" children and keep them quiet but ignored certainly is a big factor. As well, in the NYC schools where I worked they used Lucy Calkins' now debunked Balanced Literacy program, which took away all the play time in Kindergarten when children learn social skills.
If you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.
DC: “In the high school division in California, there is no hormone testing or any oversight of athletes who choose to self ID as the opposite sex. So Hanlon can say he is female and play in the women’s division. And use the girls locker room. No questions asked.”
ah, yes, I've read the article more thoroughly now. I am, yes, aghast and dismayed.
Not over this one incident--it's more about the California regulation, which is entirely liable to lead to many worse outcomes than a "female-identifying", entirely male person obtaining disproportionate advantage in a high school woman's basketball league. I can't say whether the Star Athlete of the post is doing this out of sincere (if confused) conviction or as a prank--or, perhaps, with ulterior motives. But either way, notice should be served about the laxity of the California State policy. Which is unacceptable. At minimum, an inexcusably heedless level of Bliss-Ninny Luxury Belief. (Also a state reg that presumably doesn't apply to private schools; this is a topic I don't feel compelled to research further. I may find a lawyer's bonanza.)
I've noticed over the years that Waldorf's weird "Eurythmy" training has not manifested in team sports success on the playing fields. Looks like they've finally come up with a formula!
I can’t believe these schools are so “misguided “ and allow this sick practice to continue in schools. What’s wrong with the school administration to allow this to continue? What is going on with the parents of this school to allow this to continue? Wake up parents, demand change- don’t let a weak headmaster or a crazy school board to ruin it for the entire school because of their weird “woke-ness”. Demand normal!
Fight back- it’s allowed now. Wear XX-XY Athletics gear to send a message that you won’t put up with this crap any longer!
You said it. "A groundswell support for sanity". Ppeople are getting sick of this crap because that's what this is. Simple insanity. It seems like half the Western world has gone mad.
This is what happens after years of complacency. Things will change when WW3 starts. Unfortunately it will start because we’re far too distracted by this nonsense to see it coming.
As a retired early childhood specialist, I'm not surprised Waldorf philosophy adopted the "trans kids" item. It fits in with their "child-centered, child-directed" mantras. They have lots of rules about the play in their early childhood years: dolls with no facial features, for example. I'm not a fan. The huge tuition means the class sizes are incredibly small, which actually fosters narcissism. I taught in a more structured private program in my early career. The parents rule the roost when they are paying in this manner. I hope to see other girls' b ball teams forfeit rather than take chances. The dude is going to hurt a female player, if this continues.
Someone needs to look up the Waldorf male team. I bet they didn't make it into any playoffs. My guess is that its only accepted and approved to be competitive at Waldorf if you're a boy forcing his way onto the girls' team.
I have long hoped for a school to field an all-boys varsity team in the girls division of an interscholastic sports league. Then, when all the opposing teams choose to forfeit because their players refuse to accept the elevated risk of injury or the simple unfairness of having to play against a team with all the physical advantages of male puberty, the school can claim the championship! The next question for the jesuitical ideologues would be whether the record of a championship won without ever actually playing a game wold get an asterisk or footnote. After all, "Dammit, transwomen are, too, women, you hateful bigot!"
I also feel bad for the girls on the Waldorf teams that Hanlon participates in. In contact sports, injury to one's own teammates is a risk. Worse, they're all competing for a distant second place and are robbed of the satisfaction that they materially contributed to an honest victory when they win.
BTW, what does the "Also share to Notes" checkbox below the comment box mean?
I know some of the parents and teachers there. They all want Henry to rejoin reality and boys sports. This is unpopular, even within the school community.
Harry’s kickin it and the parents and other girls should grow a pair. Bet a lot of those parents supported girls on boys teams when it was cool to do so. Hypocrisy in San Fran; who knew?
The Waldorf schools are run by Anthroposophists. Anthroposophy is a Germanized, Christianized Theosophy, that is, a cult. It's a cult that runs those schools.
I'm pretty sure the Guy and Edna Ballard "I AM Activity," which was huge in Depression-era LA, inspired George Lucas with their force lightning, force ghosts, and light sabers. Always been a happy place for cults
It's astonishing that schools like Waldorf are so focused on providing every opportunity for boys who think they are girls that they overlook the rights and safety of the actual girls. Actual girls don't matter. Or maybe they just want to win...?
Bs. Those schools also pushed for girls to be on boys teams. Now people bitch because it works both ways. Karma finds a way. Stop the girls on boys teams and you’d have a valid argument. Girls took spots from boys on those teams. And game time. Did you object then?
I'd guess, however, that the boys would be happy with naked girls strolling around naked in the locker room.
Yea, it’s our Achilles Heal.
I don’t want biological males on girls teams and I also don’t want biological females on boys teams. What’s not fair about that? Seems to me it is unfair to allow it in one direction but not the other. I’m also against Affirmative Action and DEI because they are also discriminated extensively against straight white males on the basis of race, gender and sexual orientation since 1964. Guess I got tired of being discriminated against for decades because of my skin color, gender and sexual orientation.
Not completely accurate because indeed girls stole significant game time from thousands of boys. I’m a coach and I saw it. Why didn’t you complain than that one gender was impacting another by joining their previously single gender team. Sure looks hypocritical and sexist to me because it discriminates against one gender and because you now complain but didn’t when your side was winning. And to repeat, I don’t want biological males on female teams. Would be nice though if those who wanted it one direction and now don’t want it in the opposite direction would admit their mistake.
But it’s not the same is it? Yes, sometimes girls play on the boys team. In some cases there aren’t enough for a girls team, so they play with the boys. Or you could have a case of a really competitive girl who wants to ‘play up’ with the boys. Often it’s only in younger, elementary aged girls. I see girls playing on the boys team in the same manner as kids who play in an age division up from their own. It’s not unfair because they’re choosing to ‘play up’. It’s completely different when high school boys play on the girls team because then (in most cases) they are ‘playing down’ below their ability and therefore have an unfair competitive advantage.
Every single parent, teacher, coach, student or staff member, from both schools participating in this charade of DEI "fairness" designed to destroy women's sports deserve the absurdity of the outcome. There isn't one shred of honorable competition to celebrate as long as this continues. I am appalled at the lack of courage and stupidity that allows this nonsense to continue. When did parents stop parenting? More importantly, when did they become so cowed into silence that they no longer role model strength for their children? Grow a spine and find your damn voices!
Well said
I taught in various schools, public and private, from 1996 to 2020. I'd say parenting really started falling apart in 2002.
Interesting. Any thoughts on why?
The use of smart phones and other screens to "entertain" children and keep them quiet but ignored certainly is a big factor. As well, in the NYC schools where I worked they used Lucy Calkins' now debunked Balanced Literacy program, which took away all the play time in Kindergarten when children learn social skills.
If you are a trans woman there are a few things that you need to understand. First of all is that you are still a man because you can't change your biological sex. It's okay to dress any way you wish and to adopt any superficial, stereotypical attributes of women that you desire. Live your life. No one should care, I certainly don't. However, because women are entitled to be treated fairly and to enjoy privacy from men there are certain things that are prohibited to you and me because we are men. You can't compete against women in most sports because it would be unfair. You can't go into women's private places like restrooms and locker rooms because that would make them feel unsafe. Finally, if you are a criminal you certainly can't be imprisoned with women.
That's it, just like me.
Be like Dave.
I missed the part where this was a trans story. I admit, I was doing a bit of skimming. But can you quote that part to me?
DC: “In the high school division in California, there is no hormone testing or any oversight of athletes who choose to self ID as the opposite sex. So Hanlon can say he is female and play in the women’s division. And use the girls locker room. No questions asked.”
ah, yes, I've read the article more thoroughly now. I am, yes, aghast and dismayed.
Not over this one incident--it's more about the California regulation, which is entirely liable to lead to many worse outcomes than a "female-identifying", entirely male person obtaining disproportionate advantage in a high school woman's basketball league. I can't say whether the Star Athlete of the post is doing this out of sincere (if confused) conviction or as a prank--or, perhaps, with ulterior motives. But either way, notice should be served about the laxity of the California State policy. Which is unacceptable. At minimum, an inexcusably heedless level of Bliss-Ninny Luxury Belief. (Also a state reg that presumably doesn't apply to private schools; this is a topic I don't feel compelled to research further. I may find a lawyer's bonanza.)
Some days, all I can do is SMH.
I've grown utterly tired of the "I identify as a ..."
Wonderful, good for you!
But your "imagined identity" does not qualify you to be accepted.
I've noticed over the years that Waldorf's weird "Eurythmy" training has not manifested in team sports success on the playing fields. Looks like they've finally come up with a formula!
Has he no pride or self respect? True women's teams need to start forfeiting all these matches.
I can’t believe these schools are so “misguided “ and allow this sick practice to continue in schools. What’s wrong with the school administration to allow this to continue? What is going on with the parents of this school to allow this to continue? Wake up parents, demand change- don’t let a weak headmaster or a crazy school board to ruin it for the entire school because of their weird “woke-ness”. Demand normal!
Fight back- it’s allowed now. Wear XX-XY Athletics gear to send a message that you won’t put up with this crap any longer!
Bet the parents liked it when they forced girls on the boys team. Karma finds a way.
You said it. "A groundswell support for sanity". Ppeople are getting sick of this crap because that's what this is. Simple insanity. It seems like half the Western world has gone mad.
This is what happens after years of complacency. Things will change when WW3 starts. Unfortunately it will start because we’re far too distracted by this nonsense to see it coming.
Hadnt thought about that w small class size. Like being an only child which many of these kids are… interesting point.
As a retired early childhood specialist, I'm not surprised Waldorf philosophy adopted the "trans kids" item. It fits in with their "child-centered, child-directed" mantras. They have lots of rules about the play in their early childhood years: dolls with no facial features, for example. I'm not a fan. The huge tuition means the class sizes are incredibly small, which actually fosters narcissism. I taught in a more structured private program in my early career. The parents rule the roost when they are paying in this manner. I hope to see other girls' b ball teams forfeit rather than take chances. The dude is going to hurt a female player, if this continues.
I guess he’s like Lia Thomas not good enough for male team so competed as woman and won. How crazy is this? It needs to stop!
Someone needs to look up the Waldorf male team. I bet they didn't make it into any playoffs. My guess is that its only accepted and approved to be competitive at Waldorf if you're a boy forcing his way onto the girls' team.
I have long hoped for a school to field an all-boys varsity team in the girls division of an interscholastic sports league. Then, when all the opposing teams choose to forfeit because their players refuse to accept the elevated risk of injury or the simple unfairness of having to play against a team with all the physical advantages of male puberty, the school can claim the championship! The next question for the jesuitical ideologues would be whether the record of a championship won without ever actually playing a game wold get an asterisk or footnote. After all, "Dammit, transwomen are, too, women, you hateful bigot!"
“Put on underdogs fighting the man.” 😂. I’m sure they’d never get the irony.
I also feel bad for the girls on the Waldorf teams that Hanlon participates in. In contact sports, injury to one's own teammates is a risk. Worse, they're all competing for a distant second place and are robbed of the satisfaction that they materially contributed to an honest victory when they win.
BTW, what does the "Also share to Notes" checkbox below the comment box mean?
Notes is sort of like X on Substack. If you click that box it must show up in the stream in addition to as a comment here
I know some of the parents and teachers there. They all want Henry to rejoin reality and boys sports. This is unpopular, even within the school community.
But they don't say anything?
Some of the teachers quit.
They should do something about it then. Like transfer their girls to other schools.
Harry’s kickin it and the parents and other girls should grow a pair. Bet a lot of those parents supported girls on boys teams when it was cool to do so. Hypocrisy in San Fran; who knew?
The Waldorf schools are run by Anthroposophists. Anthroposophy is a Germanized, Christianized Theosophy, that is, a cult. It's a cult that runs those schools.
Cults run all of San Fran btw. And much of CA too.
I'm pretty sure the Guy and Edna Ballard "I AM Activity," which was huge in Depression-era LA, inspired George Lucas with their force lightning, force ghosts, and light sabers. Always been a happy place for cults