Let me start by saying I don’t even know why I’m writing about this subject that I’m about to write about. Writing about it suggests that I care when people insult my looks. And that I’m somehow trolling for compliments to offset my hurt feelings and wounded ego. I’m not hurt, my ego is not wounded and I’m not compliment-trolling.
I am, however, fascinated by the people who insult women’s looks. The progressive left would have us all believe that morbidly obese people who can’t fit in an airplane seat and over-pierced, face tattoo-ed weirdos are GORGEOUS — not to mention men who think they are women but clearly look like men dressing up as women. And these committed lefties are constantly reveling in this as an act of defiance and a rejection of entrenched beauty standards as they yass queen every morbidly obese, face-ink stained wretch and trans ID’d male on the planet.
And yet, somehow these same people find regular folks’ imperfections worthy of constant comment. And they really like to drag women of a certain age through the mud. Except Demi Moore who is praised for being an icon of feminism pushing back on Hollywood’s beauty standards, while chasing them with all her might.
The world is so upside down. I mean is this a woman pushing back on beauty standards??? No, this is a 62-year-old woman chasing youth with hundreds of thousands of dollars while profiting off of pretending to be a champion for real aging women everywhere. I always liked Demi Moore but I really don’t anymore since this foray into Oscar nomination territory.
In the last year I’ve gotten an excessive number of comments about my neck, my age, my hair, my face. I’ve gotten more comments on my appearance in the last year than I’ve ever received about my appearance in my entire life. If you exclude my gymnastics coaches who called me fat every day.
It’s mind blowing. I have generally moved through the world without putting much attention on my own looks (except for the anorexic teen years) and without receiving much either. It’s been nice!
But now I’m inundated daily. Here are just a few:
I could go on. I just picked some highlights. And please, I beg of you, don’t comment with compliments like You look great! Ignore them!
I’m fine. I swear. Here’s what I want to know though:
Are these people just garden-variety haters with knee jerk insults directed at anyone who dares challenge their beloved view points? So they just resort to acting like 2nd graders spewing elementary school style insults? And if so, why not find an insult that doesn’t directly contradict their stated values?
Or do women just get pummeled for aging?
I quite appreciate not being the subject of unwanted lustful attention anymore. Whistles, catcalls, random men you meet in social settings leering or grabbing. I like that I’m free of that now. Is it a little sad sometimes? Sure. Did I not appreciate my youthful good looks when I had them? I definitely did not. Do I mind that most people solely focus on the words coming out of my mouth now, and not my boobs or my lips (two things I got some attention for when I was young)? No I do not. I like it, in fact.
Do I like that getting and looking older (looking older is just the manifestation of the reality of being older, it’s the reminder of reality) means I have fewer years ahead than behind? No. Do I think about it a lot? No. I just keep moving forward. Do I think if I dye my hair (I do) or smooth some wrinkles (I do) that I AM ACTUALLY YOUNGER? No. I’m not a delusional moron.
I guess what fascinates me about these people who profess to be lefties and feminists and not at all superficial (I know they are the most superficial in reality, they spew talking points and taglines without thinking) — is that they so willingly and publicly behave as hypocrites. And don’t seem to notice!
Maybe it fascinates me because I spend a tremendous amount of time and energy trying not to be a hypocrite. I have put my entire career on the line to not be a hypocrite. I left my own reputation in tatters to not be a hypocrite. I lost most of my friends from my younger years to not be a hypocrite. Yes these people seem to revel in their own hypocrisy!
What if I was bald from cancer, would they mock my hairlessness? Are these people that out of their minds and cruel? Would I be worthy of that mockery (in their minds) just because I challenge their (insane) views on gender ideology? What if all my hair fell out from alopecia or stress? If I was very overweight would that grant me a compliment or nah because my views trump my obesity being a push back on beauty standards?
At the end of the day, I suppose their unstated views are: if you have what they consider to be “right wing” views you deserve any criticism you get. By any means necessary, might describe their overall vibe on this. Though maybe I’m giving them too much credit for having any sort of cohesive viewpoint at all. I probably am.
But here’s mine: The bullies on the left have no principles. They have no brains. They spew government issued talking points as if they are insight and knowledge. They debase themselves with this shit and reveal themselves at every turn to be raging hypocrites not worthy of being listened to on any subject at all. And remember, these bullies are not a tiny minority. The bullying from the left is a feature, not a bug. They sent their kids to $60k/year private schools during covid while screaming at those of us who asked that the public schools also open. They called us all racists for stating the obvious about the lab leak. They cheer for boys stealing girls trophies and call us the sexists and misogynists! They have smeared us as fascists and alt-right Nazis for the last 5-10 years, and continue doing so, while they cheer for Hamas.
They’ve made bullying and threats central to their identity and they keep leaning into it.
And I’ll keep leaning away.
They can never win me back.
I think you nailed it with what this is about. It's about ideology not looks. You're either with them or against them; the latter means you have a thinking brain and can't be controlled by them. Also means you're fair game for whatever ridiculous criticism and general dumbassery they want to throw at you. Keep up the good work.
"At the end of the day, I suppose their unstated views are: if you have what they consider to be “right wing” views you deserve any criticism you get. By any means necessary, might describe their overall vibe on this."
I think you give them too much credit to characterize them as hypocrites - that would require they have a set of beliefs that they developed after taking the time to carefully evaluate an issue. They have never carefully evaluated anything. So your comment about deserving any criticism you get is correct -- if you dare to transgress one of their holy writs you are fair game for anything they can come up with. Seriously stupid people.