Nike to men who crush women in sports: just do it. What is the slogan of XX-XY Athletics?

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The truth fits

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I no longer buy Nike products; I will buy your products since they're made for women.

What's a woman? An adult human female. Everybody knows this.

And Dylan is not "trans" because there's no such thing as "trans." There is no special category for people who refuse to accept the reality of their sexed body. Dylan is a man--an adult human male. That's all he is, just like any other male who wants to be female, or dresses in a costume, or wears makeup. None of it is real because "transgender" does not exist.

This is the way forward because women have to build our own businesses, organizations, etc. Nike is unsalvageable, and there is no point in trying to convince men of basic reality or women's basic dignity. That's a waste of time.

Thank you, Jennifer, this is inspiring and the vast majority of women know this.

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It's as obvious as day and night that men and women shouldn't compete in physical sports. Men are physically larger, stronger and inherently more aggressive. It's plain stupid to permit trans women to participate.

That said, it's been a long journey to this very sad state of affairs. Womens' rights were long overdue and campaigners for gender equality were/are totally justified.

Unfortunately, somewhere along that decades long journey, the mission was hijacked but the Feministas and Feminazis.

These groups infiltrated the womens' movement and championed misandry. They began to attack men, male spaces and in fact masculinity itself (remember"toxic masculinity or the "new man"); this was aided and abetted by the gutter press and mainstream media. It continues to this very day. Only recently another "male space" succumbed to the pressure:


Bizarrely, the Feministas continue to attack male only spaces whilst demanding female only spaces.

Ironically, these very tactics and in fact the entire playbook, have been powerfully employed by the LGBT movement. Just as the Feministas attacked masculinity ( inadvertently catalysing transgenic females?), womanhood itself has been attacked. They also have the added advantage of leveraging the woke EDI policies of corporations.

What goes around, comes around. Or so it seems. As a male with sons and daughters, I see both sides of the coin. I hate the gender "wars".

Womens' sports/spaces must be reserved for biologically (XX) born females. Likewise for males (XY).

Facilitate a trans category for trans athletes. It's the logical way forward.

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Men don't crossdress and want to play women's sports because of feminism. Men do that because they lack shame at their irrational behavior. Go talk to them. That is the origin of the problem--male stupidity.

And there is no such thing as "trans." There is no such thing as a "trans" athlete. They're men. There's a category for them already--the men's category. There is no special category for delusional males who watched too much pornography, which is what most of this is.


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Thank you for your comment. We are in agreement on this; notwithstanding hormonal treatments, biologically intact males are not women and must not be permitted to participate as female athletes. This should also apply to those males that have undergone surgery, partially or completely. They are still males.

I agree that the term "trans" is questionable. But it is the term currently in vogue and my use of it, is purely in that context. In my opinion they are male and will always be male. Nothing will convince me otherwise.

My point with respect to feminism was not an attempt at defending the behaviours being exhibited by "trans" individuals or their motives. Rather, I was pointing to the weaponisation of gender. The original womens' rights campaigns pursued equality of the sexes; equal pay, equal opportunities etc. These weren't attacks on men per se; rather, it was the "systemic" discrimination against women that was being challenged. A laudable and long overdue movement.

On the other hand, Feminism and in particular the Feministas/Feminazis relentlessly attacked manhood and masculinity. This is ongoing. Their aims are much removed from the original "Suffragette" ideals and their playbook is altogether more sinister. I agree with you; they did not cause transgenderism but their modus operandi has been usefully repurposed, to wit: their tactics have been co-opted by the trans zealots. The principal one being to attack femininity in the same manner that the Feminazis attack masculinity. To undermine womanhood. Unfortunately, it's working.

It is disgusting. Men are men, women are women. End of.

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I/we won’t buy Nike products. Have not for a long time.

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He merely grew his hair out and wore it in a man bun?! What a fraud and shame in Nike for pandering to cheaters.

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I linked this in my forthcoming "Today's News" column on Monday at www.wildworldofpolitics.com.

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"If you say you stand up for women, just do it."

Well said

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Jen, I was all-in on your brand and planned my Christmas gift giving this year around it. But your support of the Gaza genocide and callous disregard for the women and children under the racist and genocidal Zionist boot in Occupied Palestine tells me your values are also only skin deep. A pity.

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Jun 8Liked by Jennifer Sey

Are you following her because of her views on Israel/Gaza?Pretty Sure Not

No person except for you will agree with all your political opinions

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7

there's no gaza genocide, and your fabrication of it solidifies you as the sort of Jewhater that is not wanted in these parts. You are the oppressor of Arabs, the oppressor of millions of Iranians, the cheerleader for the US's nazi islamist puppet regimes and the lies used on their behalf. Note that as a supporter for oppressive regimes for Muslims, you're also Islamophobic.

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Let’s hope things are starting to turn.

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