Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

Some of the Democrats who opposed the bill were women! What a betrayal of their own sex.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Jennifer Sey

Thank you for truly standing up for women. Stay the course!!

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One quote I managed to memorize was this one by Sam Adams: “ It doesn’t take a majority to prevail, but rather a tireless, irate, minority- keen to set brush fires in the people’s minds”. This applies pretty well to the trans movement. If we all just sit back and do nothing, or comply, trans ideology will prevail….and women’s sports will be erased. Women athletes everywhere must fight back, refuse to comply, and tell the trans folks to: “ sod off, get out of our locker room, go swim with the boys you cowardly creep you”. Females athletes need to band together. They can not depend on the government nor squishy coaches and administrators. They need to fight this on their own. It would help if the top athletes in their sport would strongly support them as per Riley Gaines, or Martina N. Where was Michael Phelps or Katie Ledecky? when Riley Gaines was forced to swim against a man? Worried a about endorsement deals? I heard one of Phelps responses and it was pathetic……..

Please vote for Trump. Yeah, I wish we had a better man running against Biden, but we don’t. Trump’s the guy. That’s all I know……..

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We will be facing many more election 'choices' around the world.... vote for the lying/corrupt/felon or the person who is throwing all women and girls under the bus.

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Jun 6Liked by Jennifer Sey

this is why a lot of female democrats will be voting for Trump unless a change happens

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Jun 6Liked by Jennifer Sey

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We need every woman, every athlete to stand up for Title Nine. The way it was intended . Thank you ( did i say that already ?!)

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Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

In addition to the insanity of men competing in women’s sports the issue of privacy is equally troubling. In my opinion the worst aspect of Biden's new Education Act Title IX regulations that go into effect on August 1 of this year is that boys and men will be able to to shower with high school and college girls (including my 17 year old granddaughter). They will have no shame in doing that when it's perfectly legal.

Here's an analysis of the new regulations by the Foundation Against Intolerance and

Racism (FAIR):

"The Final Rule is likely to result in sex-integration of all bathrooms and locker rooms because it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity. After August 1st, if a school requires students to use facilities that align with their biological sex (which they are currently allowed to require under Federal law and regulations), a transgender student may file a discrimination complaint alleging that the school has violated Title IX by preventing him or her from using the bathroom that aligns with their gender."

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

It's just definitional at this point.

1) Gender identity claims priority over sex in defining the category women.

2) Feminism advocates for women.

3) Feminism can't exist without biological sex having the priority claim- it wouldn't make sense for a man to have a female gender identity definitionally unless sex already exists and has priority. Otherwise it just goes in circles.

4) Feminism is broken.

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Yes the "rationale" doesn't hold up. If sex is just a construct then why do you need to alter yourself? just be a woman as you are.

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

Yes indeed. It's dumbfounding how many women support this stuff. (Men as well of course)

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Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

I'd respect the activists if they campaigned on eliminating sex-based categories. The dishonesty disgusts me more than the policies themselves.

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100% agree. This redefinition will essentially erase women from women’s sports.

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As a gymnast, Jen Sey was a smart, tough competitor and kind to the little gymnasts who looked up to her, whether they were Parkettes or not. Always a fan of Jen Sey.

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aw. so sweet. thank you.

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We often hear that "sports, prisons and bathrooms" are not enough of a reason to oppose transgender ideology.

That may be true. Or it may not be true. I think it is a weak and misleading dismissal.

It may be, rather, that "sports, prisons and bathrooms" are signal-flare examples of the absurdity of the Critical Gender Theory policies that argue "gender is a social construct."

Like signal flares, they force us to wake up. Something important requires us to pay attention.

There are many more gray, if not obscured, problems with these ideologies and policies.

We all know that there is no absolute dichotomy of male and female. It's sophomoric to even state it. There is a range of "maleness" and "femaleneas." Well no shit. You don't say?

We are all unique individuals. Why do I even have to state this? It's absurd.

But that range of maleness and femaleneas does not eliminate the fact of the average differences. Not to mention the obvious biology differences.

Yet here we are. Forced to state the obvious. Wake up and see the signal flares.

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That’s because transgenderism is misogyny and patriarchy in women’s clothing.

I’ve been a firm believer that this transgender movement is all about racing women and gay men.

It’s another tool to hold women back, and “put us in our place “.

You don’t see many women rushing to become men… you see a lot of men wanting to become women.

And these aren’t gay men either! Gay men are not attracted to women! They’re attracted to men!

These are straight men who are wolves in women’s clothing. The dark devious, misogynistic hated of women behind All of this is disgusting.

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As for me and my house, we are ignoring the Olympics. Too many men in women’s sports. #theleftdestroyseverything

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Thank you. You are telling the truth! I admire your courage to face down these lies.

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If you take hormones and testosterone, and get caught, you get thrown out of the competition- if you are XX. If you are XY, no problems, you’re already loaded with these performance enhancing hormones.

Confused yet? XY says he’s really XX, but genetically has a load of “performance enhancing hormones, so he competes vs XXs. Still confused? Me too. My grandmother would call this “Pazzo”!

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