And despite some modest acknowledgement that school closures went on too long, there has been no true acknowledgement - or apology - that the whole thing was a massive fuck up that caused massive harm
"If we do not defend the truth and fight for it, then we are accepting living in an authoritarian regime where the government decides what the truth is and I'm not going to do that. I don't care who hates me."
Your words resonated with me in a profound way.
We can't care what anyone thinks of us if we are going to win this war and spread the truth.
I've lost many family and friends for my stance. Even the ones that knew the truth.
I write a Substack about the clots embalmers and cath lab workers are finding:
well written. it was a flu, a nasty flu, maybe even a really nasty flu, but still a flu. it has somehow become the mindset that all must suffer when only an identifiable minority is affected. men in women's sport comes to mind. thanks again and keep slinging words
Selfishly I appreciate that you chose truth instead of “mainstream “ popularity. And it is a long road and who knows what the long term consequences for the awful actions of that mainstream.
I know that “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” but you do have more freedom to live life than the slaves of the mainstream.
I am in SF and I bought in. I was scared and trusted the authorities. I almost canceled my sister , my best friend, for good over it. I saw the light after the debate. What else have the experts/journalists/liars lied about? It’s difficult here because TDS is rampant. Sorry you went through this and SF failed you, others but especially the kids.
Wow I haven't heard anyone say it quite so bluntly/honestly and admit they were duped. I hope everything is ok with your sister and best friend now. Thank you for your honesty.
I am also in SF area. was on board for first few months. I was very rude to a man not wearing a mask in the grocery store one time. I too was scared, trusted what I was being told, and thought if we all just comply we can get through this that much quicker, so I was annoyed with those not complying. It wasn't until they kept moving the goalposts for schools opening, and how quickly I was shouted down and name-called for even suggesting they could reopen that my belief started cracking.
Five years, few if any apologies, and zero jail time for crimes against humanity. More insane than that is these shots are still being administered. A sizeable amount of healthy people are still wearing masks and taking covid tests for f-sake.
As well, my generation of older teachers, we who did not teach "the gender unicorn" all retired. We could not face teaching 5 year olds through the computer and those of us who stayed on and tried were browbeaten by administrators when we were overwhelmed with the tech side of this ersatz teaching. The only thing I see as positive from that is parents' realizations that gender unicorn took over the learning, because they saw it over their child's shoulder.
Yes yes a thousand times yes!! Thank you for using your platform to keep this on everyone’s mind. By summer 2020 I knew - from cdc’s own numbers - that our three 18-24 year old children had a much higher chance of dying in a car accident or by an overdose (by factors of 15-17x) and that THAT WOULD ONLY GET WORSE if they were locked down. And it did.
Personally, I'd like an admission from their universities that forcing the jab was criminal. I'm very concerned about my kids' (and all kids') future health and fertility. Many of us saw what was happening in real time, it was a politicized, virtue-signaling, totalitarian shit show for which we'll be paying for generations.
Thank you for that link. I highly recommend that everyone take the time to read that.
"Pandemic-era schooling was a study in putting self-serving adult interests first and the needs of students second. The political forces upending education today are a direct consequence of that ugly, instructive experience."
Thank you Jennifer! The residents of Minnesota went through similar shut downs, along with the tattle on your neighbor line. We had to carry work permits if our job was considered essential. Thank Governor Walz didn't become VP!!
Jennifer - I LOVED when you told Del Bigtree during his interview of you back in February of 2023:
"If we do not defend the truth and fight for it, then we are accepting living in an authoritarian regime where the government decides what the truth is and I'm not going to do that. I don't care who hates me."
Your words resonated with me in a profound way.
We can't care what anyone thinks of us if we are going to win this war and spread the truth.
I've lost many family and friends for my stance. Even the ones that knew the truth.
I write a Substack about the clots embalmers and cath lab workers are finding:
Del interviewed the two gentlemen I work with in February of 2024:
God bless you Jennifer.
well written. it was a flu, a nasty flu, maybe even a really nasty flu, but still a flu. it has somehow become the mindset that all must suffer when only an identifiable minority is affected. men in women's sport comes to mind. thanks again and keep slinging words
I am full of sputtering outrage. Still. Forever. I resisted as best I could.
Yellow circles in parks? New to me.
Outrage. Bad Science.
Nice piece!
I had retired end of '18, so never lived through"cancellations".
I was, of course, vilified as a conspiracy theorist.
I was OK with that, and wear that proudly...
Thx for keeping the vigil! We can’t forget what was done.
well—i had a whole bunch that i was trying to say but this stupid app swallowed it whole.
so i’ll just thank you and that you’re appreciated and i’m glad you spoke up 💕
Boston of all places, Jenn.
C19 was a bioweapon military operation.
Ask Mike Pompeo. Pompous Mike , the West Point grad who majored in obfuscation of the truth.
I want to see some of these pricks hung by their privated.
Selfishly I appreciate that you chose truth instead of “mainstream “ popularity. And it is a long road and who knows what the long term consequences for the awful actions of that mainstream.
I know that “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,” but you do have more freedom to live life than the slaves of the mainstream.
Thank you so much Jennifer for being so outspoken on the COVID abuses from day one. It was really helpful for people like me to know we were not alone. By the way, the Boston Globe is at it again today.
I am in SF and I bought in. I was scared and trusted the authorities. I almost canceled my sister , my best friend, for good over it. I saw the light after the debate. What else have the experts/journalists/liars lied about? It’s difficult here because TDS is rampant. Sorry you went through this and SF failed you, others but especially the kids.
Wow I haven't heard anyone say it quite so bluntly/honestly and admit they were duped. I hope everything is ok with your sister and best friend now. Thank you for your honesty.
I am also in SF area. was on board for first few months. I was very rude to a man not wearing a mask in the grocery store one time. I too was scared, trusted what I was being told, and thought if we all just comply we can get through this that much quicker, so I was annoyed with those not complying. It wasn't until they kept moving the goalposts for schools opening, and how quickly I was shouted down and name-called for even suggesting they could reopen that my belief started cracking.
Five years, few if any apologies, and zero jail time for crimes against humanity. More insane than that is these shots are still being administered. A sizeable amount of healthy people are still wearing masks and taking covid tests for f-sake.
As well, my generation of older teachers, we who did not teach "the gender unicorn" all retired. We could not face teaching 5 year olds through the computer and those of us who stayed on and tried were browbeaten by administrators when we were overwhelmed with the tech side of this ersatz teaching. The only thing I see as positive from that is parents' realizations that gender unicorn took over the learning, because they saw it over their child's shoulder.
Yes yes a thousand times yes!! Thank you for using your platform to keep this on everyone’s mind. By summer 2020 I knew - from cdc’s own numbers - that our three 18-24 year old children had a much higher chance of dying in a car accident or by an overdose (by factors of 15-17x) and that THAT WOULD ONLY GET WORSE if they were locked down. And it did.
Personally, I'd like an admission from their universities that forcing the jab was criminal. I'm very concerned about my kids' (and all kids') future health and fertility. Many of us saw what was happening in real time, it was a politicized, virtue-signaling, totalitarian shit show for which we'll be paying for generations.
Frederick Hess recently published a thoughtful piece about COVID school closures:
Thank you for that link. I highly recommend that everyone take the time to read that.
"Pandemic-era schooling was a study in putting self-serving adult interests first and the needs of students second. The political forces upending education today are a direct consequence of that ugly, instructive experience."
Yes I agree. It’s a thought-provoking piece.
That was a stunning article - holy crap! Thanks for sharing that.
You’re welcome! ☺️
Thank you Jennifer! The residents of Minnesota went through similar shut downs, along with the tattle on your neighbor line. We had to carry work permits if our job was considered essential. Thank Governor Walz didn't become VP!!