Jul 7Liked by Jennifer Sey

Horrid. We all know the government and social media have been censoring but it’s still hard to hear this. I will spread the word. And I LOVE my new T shirt!! A censored people is NOT a free country.

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If they really thought they were right, they wouldn't have to censor.

They know they're wrong. They can't defend their positions.

This fraud will end soon because "trans" does not exist.

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My theory is that these tech companies employ many, many men who ideate a female persona, who claim to be the mothers of the children they fathered and their anger is fueled by gutsy brands like yours. Take heart and keep on! You'll have more exposure when Telfer, a male, runs on the US women's track team in the Olympics. These porn-soaked, fetish obsessed men (like Le Vine, the Richard who calls himself Rachel) take every statement about biology, reality and women's dignity as a political insult, when reality, biology and sex just ARE.

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Jennifer, I recently received my order from XX-XY and and very happy with the quality of the materials.

I decided to order after hearing of TikTok banning your ads.

One thing I want to say is that you learned and experienced based on what happened to you at Levi's that wrongthink is punished by the left. You experienced it first hand. Since then, you have seen more and more how the left are the fascists and work to shut down any speech they don't like.

I am a conservative. We have been talking about this and experiencing this censorship for more than just a few years. Often we were derided and ignored and told it wasn't really happening.

You are probably aware of Bill Ackman who has learned, especially since Oct 7 how awful our universities have become and how the left are the fascists. It has been interesting watching you and Bill and other high profile people who would have have probably considered yourselves progressives previously having your eyes opened to the real power of evil and darkness of the left. (Trans ideology pushed on kids for example).

I will leave you with this. I still don't think you and Bill and others who eyes have recently been opened fully understand how bad it really is. It is worse than you think. Thanks again for standing up for women and girls and reality!!!

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I've always considered myself a centrist, growing up in far Left Madison, Wisconsin and witnessing the escapades of the professor class. I was the goody 2 shoes whose father was a businessman, who didn't smoke pot at the first opportunity, who babysat to earn enough to buy my own bicycle at age 14. My dad worked in insurance, branched out into pension planning when 401k laws were in the works. Those "Marxist" professors were all too eager for my father's financial acumen when planning for retirement. Dad's phrase for them went something like "arrogant, obnoxious hypocrites."

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Same. Known since before 2020. It’s very very very deep. Boat loads of money deep. Some of them are men who identify as women. Others just have a different agenda for our country.

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I do not know why this is surprising to me. It really shouldn’t be with the way this world has become. It’s horrifying to say the least. Tell us what we, your customers, your fans and your supporters can do to help in any way!!!

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those bastards, thanks for speaking out. this is why i stopped using meta and only use x

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Hard to believe that can happen in our country. I agree, stand up and be heard!


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Go to congress let Josh Hawley know what's occuring

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I tagged the House Oversight Committee on her post on X.

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what is the 'Party Of 5'? exactly ?

I am sick of womens sex based rights being used by innumerate third parties ; a publication professing to be here for feminist principles ; yet including gender rights. Aka they are promoting precisely born men in the business model and then villifying or alienating the platform for women like Kellie Jay Keen - Billy Bragg professing to stand up for the working class but villifying over 50 % of its contingent -working women as He subscribes to trans rights and abuses Kellie Jay Keen and Womens Voices -the erasure of real women's sex based rights as he preferences self id ;the two are not equivocal ; self id is an optioned stereotyping and ephemeral, whilst 'being born a female' or a male with attendent genitalia and DNA is reality.

Womens rights are womens rights; not a party poitical tool to be coopted ; the "left" are not left; " 3 rd wave feminism" is not for feminist or pro Women ; the "new right" is not right, moral, conservative or pure ; the "democrats" are hardly the Democrats of the 70's they are the "new right" ; neoliberal lobbyist corporates. Healthcare is profiteering; democracy is being sold to multinational consortiums; older white women are not the enemy and neither are good people anywhere - we are all born people - before religion before all the coopted "isms" and "fake ists".

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I thought the whole point of substack is that you actually had to write your ideas out instead of posting a video about it like every other garbage social media site. Does this mean I should expect substack to devolve into this too?

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I loved your video about standing up for women and girls. It’s crazy that only certain viewpoints (aside from those inciting violence) are not allowed to be said.

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I'm so angry I just want to buy something from XX XY now because I hate it that they're interfering with the marketplace of ideas... and clothing.

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