As if docs flip a coin in the delivery room. What about all those ultrasound photo studios that help pregnant moms find out the sex of their baby. Obviously sex matters. Obviously observation of physical attributes is how sexist determined in most cases.
Recently I heard a news report of police looking for help to identify a body of a "women found in a wooded area." The cops and the ME can recognize a woman.
That is a great photo. Anybody from anywhere on the planet can see the guy's shoulders are way wider than his hips. He is a male who has gone through puberty and now has the enlarged skeletal and muscle structure of a male, for life, no matter what he does to his hormones. Look at the girl next to him, an obvious hourglass figure indicating that she is a female who has gone through puberty, which has enlarged her pelvis (for giving birth), and now she will have that skeletal and muscle structure for life. I know this is singing to the choir to readers here, but sometimes the stupidity and delusion contrasts so conspicuously with an unambiguous photo that it warrants mention, and ridicule. These very delusional and dangerous people should be ridiculed mercilesssly at every opportunity by all of us normals.
Just like there are divisions of sports for special talented community and other such sport divisions the trans community should be developing their specific divisions in sports. NCAA are you ready to get to work?
Horse racing has had a solution for centuries - a fillies (girls) only race, and an open race. This recognized that testosterone provides a competitive advantage, but allows a truly extraordinary female the opportunity to compete with the males (remember Zenyatta) if she feels it. Of course, only in NON contact sports.
I still blame it all on the doctors. I know from my project collecting data on trans widows' experiences (we're the women who divorced suddenly demanding, crossdressing husbands) that the level of addiction to sissy hypno pornography is off the charts, and the porn exposure affects how men perceive women. These high school boys who ideate a female persona are all too often humiliating and threatening the girls in the locker room. It simply is not benign. Further, these males are damaging their own bodies. If their path leads to surgeries on the male organs, including the urinary tract, they have a 30% chance of developing incontinence over the rest of their lives. Cross-sex ideation is a maladaptive response to trauma and abuse. No one should be spreading it in the world of sports.
I think that unless DNA tests are used, anything else will not really work. I won't name names--but I already see and have seen highly ambiguous 'women' (and some teens) entirely dominate other women, where the bone and pelvic structure is extremely ambiguous. DNA would clear it up--which is why I don't think it will happen.
I keep thinking about the ridiculous NCAA "rules" and it hit me. The REAL evil in so much of this is Disney. Why Disney? Because they own ESPN who has to be on of the biggest revenue streams for the NCAA. Hit Disney, and ESPN, and the NCAA will fold like the weak kneed organization it is to propose such a weak rule.
I use to be an Annual Pass holder at Disneyland. Cancelled that a few years ago. Used to be a Hulu subscriber, but cancelled that and now have a Sling program that does not include ESPN. I have any service because my wife likes semi-regular TV so this has become a good compromise at our house. I have worked hard to remove all Disney revenue from my life, and suggest that a good way to to fight evil is to cut off revenue to ESPN and the NCAA until they protect women's sports. Disney is such an evil force in this battle, and most people have zero idea. Maybe they will wake up.
Fight Fight Fight. Until Disney, Nike, etc, support women. At least the ones with XX chromosomes.
I've read a lot of evil stuff about Disney. It's hard to know exactly what is true. But seems that more than one of their child stars has gone on to have serious mental health issues, including claims of molestation. And there have been some articles on some staffers being arrested for being creepy pedophiles. The circumstantial evidence regarding the evil of Disney is quite compelling...
President Trump needs to go after WA too. Turd Ferguson (new gov, same as the old gov) announced the WA Constitution bars WA from following the President’s E.O. Fine. Cut off ALL federal funding for WA.
It’s great to see Janet Mills in Trump’s crosshairs! Maine is a palpably Red state, with some Blue enclaves. It’s hard to understand how she won the Governorship, wink wink.
Who ARE these people within the NCAA making such policy? We see this all the time- a very small group of militant, anonymous people having their way over the vast silent majority, hiding within their ‘ bureaucracy ‘. Why not name names and expose the scoundrels!? Do you know, Jen, who specifically is responsible for pushing such insanity? Call them out. By name. Expose them to the entire country. Tucker Carlson was always good at that with his show at Fox…………Your voice reaches a lot of people- call them out!!
"We need a bullet-proof policy that protects the integrity of women’s sports." First and foremost, we need to restore common sense and human values. We need to fight against wicked ideologues until they shut up once for all.
As a non-American, I can only thank President Trump and the Americans involved in this fight against delusional identity activists and woke propagandists. These people aim to destroy the traditional family and eradicate the Western civilization. There are only two genders - XX and XY. Period.
No, I certainly do not. The women that sold other women out voted for & support Trump. I’m not stupid enough to vote against my own rights & support a lying rapist convicted felon who is tearing up our country to act like a dictator for his own benefit. You’re apparently one of those bigoted women.
In point of fact he was not convicted of rape, a fact that resulted in a successful lawsuit against a news organization. Details matter. Ignorance is no excuse.
I am sickened by the liberals who think it is totally fine to tell girls to sit down, shut up, and give everything to the boy. I thought we moved past this! Of course, these are the same psychos who think a girl who likes cars, or a boy who likes to cook, must be in the wrong body. They push these stereotypes and think they are “justice” when they are worse than the worst medieval church decree - because we know better now. Joan of Arc and Elizabeth I were NOT transgender just because they were revolutionary women, any more than I am for being a professional in a job that is 93% male.
"Gender assigned at birth" is infuriating.
As if docs flip a coin in the delivery room. What about all those ultrasound photo studios that help pregnant moms find out the sex of their baby. Obviously sex matters. Obviously observation of physical attributes is how sexist determined in most cases.
Recently I heard a news report of police looking for help to identify a body of a "women found in a wooded area." The cops and the ME can recognize a woman.
He’s a bloody cheat. Intentionally stealing awards and prizes when male competitions have their share.
I simply don't understand.
You either is or you ain't, nothing in between.
And the seeming lengths to how the NCAA purports to "comply"???
That is a great photo. Anybody from anywhere on the planet can see the guy's shoulders are way wider than his hips. He is a male who has gone through puberty and now has the enlarged skeletal and muscle structure of a male, for life, no matter what he does to his hormones. Look at the girl next to him, an obvious hourglass figure indicating that she is a female who has gone through puberty, which has enlarged her pelvis (for giving birth), and now she will have that skeletal and muscle structure for life. I know this is singing to the choir to readers here, but sometimes the stupidity and delusion contrasts so conspicuously with an unambiguous photo that it warrants mention, and ridicule. These very delusional and dangerous people should be ridiculed mercilesssly at every opportunity by all of us normals.
To them, biology is trumped by gender identity. It isn’t about science, it is about feelings and imagination (aka mental delusions).
Just like there are divisions of sports for special talented community and other such sport divisions the trans community should be developing their specific divisions in sports. NCAA are you ready to get to work?
Horse racing has had a solution for centuries - a fillies (girls) only race, and an open race. This recognized that testosterone provides a competitive advantage, but allows a truly extraordinary female the opportunity to compete with the males (remember Zenyatta) if she feels it. Of course, only in NON contact sports.
I still blame it all on the doctors. I know from my project collecting data on trans widows' experiences (we're the women who divorced suddenly demanding, crossdressing husbands) that the level of addiction to sissy hypno pornography is off the charts, and the porn exposure affects how men perceive women. These high school boys who ideate a female persona are all too often humiliating and threatening the girls in the locker room. It simply is not benign. Further, these males are damaging their own bodies. If their path leads to surgeries on the male organs, including the urinary tract, they have a 30% chance of developing incontinence over the rest of their lives. Cross-sex ideation is a maladaptive response to trauma and abuse. No one should be spreading it in the world of sports.
Be patient, Jenn.
NCAA. Woke.
The states your reference. Woke.
With the NCAA, go after the corporate sponsors.
Woke states? The people. Organized social media campaign of middle school and high school female athletes.
The Donald is invested in your goal .
I think that unless DNA tests are used, anything else will not really work. I won't name names--but I already see and have seen highly ambiguous 'women' (and some teens) entirely dominate other women, where the bone and pelvic structure is extremely ambiguous. DNA would clear it up--which is why I don't think it will happen.
Agree. Test results for sex aren't alter-able. Paperwork is.
I can’t believe with all of the other stuff happening right now, that defending a male’s privilege to compete as a woman is a priority.
I keep thinking about the ridiculous NCAA "rules" and it hit me. The REAL evil in so much of this is Disney. Why Disney? Because they own ESPN who has to be on of the biggest revenue streams for the NCAA. Hit Disney, and ESPN, and the NCAA will fold like the weak kneed organization it is to propose such a weak rule.
I use to be an Annual Pass holder at Disneyland. Cancelled that a few years ago. Used to be a Hulu subscriber, but cancelled that and now have a Sling program that does not include ESPN. I have any service because my wife likes semi-regular TV so this has become a good compromise at our house. I have worked hard to remove all Disney revenue from my life, and suggest that a good way to to fight evil is to cut off revenue to ESPN and the NCAA until they protect women's sports. Disney is such an evil force in this battle, and most people have zero idea. Maybe they will wake up.
Fight Fight Fight. Until Disney, Nike, etc, support women. At least the ones with XX chromosomes.
I've read a lot of evil stuff about Disney. It's hard to know exactly what is true. But seems that more than one of their child stars has gone on to have serious mental health issues, including claims of molestation. And there have been some articles on some staffers being arrested for being creepy pedophiles. The circumstantial evidence regarding the evil of Disney is quite compelling...
President Trump needs to go after WA too. Turd Ferguson (new gov, same as the old gov) announced the WA Constitution bars WA from following the President’s E.O. Fine. Cut off ALL federal funding for WA.
It’s great to see Janet Mills in Trump’s crosshairs! Maine is a palpably Red state, with some Blue enclaves. It’s hard to understand how she won the Governorship, wink wink.
Who ARE these people within the NCAA making such policy? We see this all the time- a very small group of militant, anonymous people having their way over the vast silent majority, hiding within their ‘ bureaucracy ‘. Why not name names and expose the scoundrels!? Do you know, Jen, who specifically is responsible for pushing such insanity? Call them out. By name. Expose them to the entire country. Tucker Carlson was always good at that with his show at Fox…………Your voice reaches a lot of people- call them out!!
I don’t know but I think we can hold Charlie Baker accountable.
"We need a bullet-proof policy that protects the integrity of women’s sports." First and foremost, we need to restore common sense and human values. We need to fight against wicked ideologues until they shut up once for all.
As a non-American, I can only thank President Trump and the Americans involved in this fight against delusional identity activists and woke propagandists. These people aim to destroy the traditional family and eradicate the Western civilization. There are only two genders - XX and XY. Period.
And once again it’s a woman standing up to Trump.
I think you mean it's a woman selling other women out.
No, I certainly do not. The women that sold other women out voted for & support Trump. I’m not stupid enough to vote against my own rights & support a lying rapist convicted felon who is tearing up our country to act like a dictator for his own benefit. You’re apparently one of those bigoted women.
In point of fact he was not convicted of rape, a fact that resulted in a successful lawsuit against a news organization. Details matter. Ignorance is no excuse.
I am sickened by the liberals who think it is totally fine to tell girls to sit down, shut up, and give everything to the boy. I thought we moved past this! Of course, these are the same psychos who think a girl who likes cars, or a boy who likes to cook, must be in the wrong body. They push these stereotypes and think they are “justice” when they are worse than the worst medieval church decree - because we know better now. Joan of Arc and Elizabeth I were NOT transgender just because they were revolutionary women, any more than I am for being a professional in a job that is 93% male.