Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

If the Dems swap Biden for Newsom, I pray Americans are smart enough to see all the damage he’s done to California and overwhelmingly vote for his rival.

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

But isn’t this exactly what

they’ve been doing for years over every issue? They lie, gaslight, manipulate, bully and have a holier than thou attitude.

Democrat - Chopping bits off children is not child abuse. It’s for their own good. If you try to stop us from chopping up our own children, we will prosecute you and send you to prison for 10 years.

Normal person - it’s child abuse, now fuck off!

Democrat - Islamists are lovely people who are simply downtrodden and share our values. They need support.

Normal person - they have spent the last 50 years trying to kill us and are now infiltrating our democratic processes so they can kill more of us, now fuck off!

Democrat - Biden is a spring chicken and is in his prime. These are his salad days and anything you’ve seen or heard to the contrary is ‘cheap fake’.

Normal person - just fuck right off!

I could go on, but the list is endless.

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Good list!

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

If you accept one lie, you can more easily accept the next one. And the next one. And so on.

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In Trump they have the perfect foil. He's brash, he's a boor, he never stops exaggerating, he doesn't speak Washington DC speak but most of all Trump is an existential threat not to the country but to the entrenched power in both parties the govern against the will of the people.

Trump is a very very imperfect vessel for change and pushback against the Washington elites.

Trump has successfully taken over the Republican party and vanquished most opponents (and he did it democratically). The small cabal at the top of the Democrat power structure has held right onto power (see what the Democrats did to Bernie in 2016 and to RFK Jr this year).

So, it is a binary choice, either someone who with push back hard against the entrenched Washington power or whoever the Dems put up to keep the entrenched Washington power in power. It doesn't matter if it is Biden or Kamala or Michelle or Newsom, it is the same Washington elite big government, lockdown type authoritarians that think they know better on how to run our lives with more government being the answer.

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Trump learned a lot in his first term. He was very cautious, and understandably so, because he was engaged in asymmetrical political warfare. He didn’t know what corner his enemies would emerge from on any given day. But, if elected again, I believe, he will throw caution to the wind. With Burgum, Vivek, Stefanik, Pompeo, Radcliffe, etc in key roles, the swamp is in deep doodoo

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

This might be your bravest essay yet! Also arguably the most important since what you identify here with the "Party over Country" philosophy of today's Democratic Party leading to a very authoritarian posture from those "comrades." As a former Democrat it is very sad, and as someone who loves what the United States has represented for decades, imperfect but improving, it is even more sad.

I have never voted for Trump, and as a California resident it was easy to vote for a third party since my vote didn't matter except for permission to complain. The fact that Trump is hated so much by both parties, the machine, the deep state (geeze, now I am sounding like a conspiracy dude), makes me think he is the best hope. Despite what reservations I have about his lack of character and discipline. Judge him by his enemies, and he looks pretty good.

I have started begging my left wing friends and relatives to PLEASE take back the Democratic party. The party has become evil and to support evil makes you evil.

Again, brave piece Jenn. Thank you as always. And if Newsom or Whitmer end up the choice, God help us.

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

I also have to say how much I am enjoying the other comments on this post, some good stuff. You have some great subscribers Jenn!

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4 years of Russia collusion ... Hunter laptop is Russia disinformation ... 4 years of covering for dementia ... all proven to be frauds perpetrated on the American people by essentially the same group of people. And we're supposed to believe that whatever happened on January 6 is the real threat?

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It is such a transparent scam!

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Jordan, your and Jennifer’s articles on this subject have been my absolute favorites to date! The media are the main culprit, because if they were not an organ for the Democrat party and actually did their jobs and challenged the powers-that-be, the Dems would not be able to get away with all this malfeasance.

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"After covid, am I surprised that the Democratic Party would engage in such undemocratic practices? No. But I continue to be surprised that so many go along and perceive the only real risk to be elsewhere (ahem, starts with a T and ends with an “ump”)."

This, so much this. My mind just can't understand why so many people, people I know and love, feel this way. How can they be so mentally addled? What is causing this? They admit that allowing unelected officials govern our nation is better than risking a Trump presidency? Other than abortion, what rights even changed? And he's said he won't do a national ban. I don't get it.

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Marketing works.

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Thank you, Jennifer! You pretty much said everything I felt. The regime gets away with far too much. If the media challenged the powers-that-be like they’re supposed to, instead of being in bed with them, the Dems would not be able to get away so effortlessly with their dishonest and harmful deeds.

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

"Make "1989" fiction again" is the greatest campaign slogan one could wage against Biden.

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I'd buy a T shirt with a slogan like that.

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I think comedian JP Sears sells them in his merch collection.

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Jul 2Liked by Jennifer Sey

Bravo, Jen. Sad as it is, the Democrat party has jumped the shark. My sense a reckoning is close behind. My best, Frank

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"You’re a terrible person for pointing out what is patently obvious. You are disloyal to the Party and must be punished. We will do so by calling you career-destroying names. Anyone else even thinking of saying out loud what is obviously true — you will be smeared as well. So you best stay quiet and/or follow the script. To save democracy!"

Exactly spot on!! This is the playbook. FOR EVERYTHING. We can't let them win this game.

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Democracy is not is danger, Democrats are. Democracy is not on the ballot, Democrats are. The democrats have been manipulating the language for decades claiming that their way is the only way to be democratic. Pretty convenient for them.

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Biden went from being a useful idiot to a liability. I guarantee you that there are Dems running around Washington DC hyperventilating into paper bags while trying to figure out how to win/steal the next election.

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"Make the lie big, make it simple, and keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." - Joseph Goebbels, father of propaganda

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For decades, media framing has consistently been based on what the ruling class, democrats, need to do to stop their enemy.

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