Apr 25·edited Apr 25Liked by Jennifer Sey

Whew. Thankfully, this story will never go away and it shouldn't even though I can only surmise what those poor victims have to relive whenever another chapter of it gets written. I pray for their peace and vindication. Coming forward and speaking the truth (like you have done -- and not just this topic, btw) on this sordid affair is the highest act of courage I've seen in my lifetime. God bless these women.

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You are a warrior and so is every woman who stood up against these monsters.

I still need to watch Athlete A and plan to do so with my daughter soon

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Apr 26Liked by Jennifer Sey

JENNIFER... again.... great journalism. SO wish all has been listening when you were trying to sound the alarm... HUGS and ENERGY to all that had to endure the unthinkable that was happening...

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Thank you for all you did and have done.and are doing! It’s good these ladies got something but they should have gotten more!!! And those in the fbi and police and USA gym who failed to protect them and should also be in prison.

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Wait the charges were dropped against Penny???I dont remember this, thought it just got backlogged because of Covid..seems like it should have been a bigger story.

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It rmeans hard to take, that on so many fronts, and in many countries, the institutions that were constituted to protect the citizens against abuse, have been turned against the citizens. A categorical and across the board change is in order.

It seems the founders of this republic had sincere intentions and a straightforward concept of what it means to be a public servant, but that concept has been lost completely.

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