Moulton? Feckless, gutless waste of a Senate seat.

On the other hand, everyone give Jen a big shout out for her guest column in the Washington Examiner this week!!

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This is insanity. I will continue speaking out until the culture changes. And AOC is delusional.

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I love how brutally honest you are. It is so refreshing when compared to the word salad we are dished up so often.

Keep speaking truth & we will change the culture.

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Progress in small steps, Jenn. It will take time to change the culture . Continued shaking of the woke tree mandatory. Protest with non participation until leagues and conferences get it right including Olympic competition.

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I still think it is total idiocy that this situation is even debatable. Simply put there are two sexes, Male and female. Period. DNA doesn't lie. If its good enough to sentence murderers and rapists it should be good enough to end this mindlessness once and for all. This is not an attack on any members of the gay community. It is nobody's business who sleeps with who. BUT, it should be everyone's business to protect our women and children from this perversion of nature. All decent human beings should be screaming to the Gates of Hell to stop this madness.

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As a member of the gay community I am telling you straight out that gender identity ideology is homophobic. Please do not lump them in with us.

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Perhaps I was not articulate enough. The perversion of nature I refer to is the grooming and mutilation of children. I fully support your right to be as you were born. I have relatives who suffered through the bigotry of the '60's and '70's because of their homosexuality. I know several people who are gay that are more decent than most so called Christians. I applaud your right to go your own way. What I object to is sick, sad people who think that by mutilating themselves they have the right to groom and mutilate children because of their dysphoria. You my dear are a woman who happeans to be gay. That is a totally different thing. Peace to you.

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Ughh. I can't imagine a bigger liar than AOC. She literally fabricated or misrepresented every single thing she talked about in that speech!!! Thank you for fighting the good fight against morons and liars, Jennifer!!! 🫶

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I've sent AOC a 3 page letter (hard copy, snail mail) with the references to segm.org (Society for Evidence-based Gender Medicine), the Swedish study of death records (showing suicides increase exponentially after "transition," peaking 7-10 years after surgery) and explaining that the Dutch Protocols are based on a pharma funded study published in 2014, in which only 33 subjects completed the exit survey and there were 2 deaths. I also outlined the severe situation for trans widows, we who divorced the "Sarah McBride" types after discovering the secret crossdressing and porn habits. I did not give my address for reply. I'm not willing to risk assault and further defamation. On the outside of the envelope I wrote cc: Rep Nancy Mace and a few others, hoping this meant it actually got to AOC, rather than being tossed by a raging radical staffer. The documentary, Behind the Looking Glass, demonstrates the malpractice of the entire diagnosis and the abuse girls and women suffer from these men:


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About time.

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Jennifer, as the father of two (now adult) daughters who played competitive sports during their school-age years, you have my total respect for your stand for girls and willingness to be unfairly criticized by those actively espousing gender fluidity among minor boys and girls - not to mention vulnerable adult women who are forced to share intimate spaces with men pretending to be women in prisons. Thank you for being consistently outspoken and brutally honest on this subject - and reminding us that while legislation matters, the culture is upstream of it and must also be addressed.

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