The era in which you competed was the tail end of the Cold War. Then, it was mandatory to have blood tests to prove the gender of the incoming Olympic athlete before checking into the Olympic village. There was no talk about identity. The passport was not the last word. If an athlete didn’t pass the blood test for the gender under which they were competing, they were sent home. This policy was to counter the performance enhancing steroids Eastern bloc athletes were accused of using in their training for many years.

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The most important qualifying test should be what chromosomes does the athlete have. No discussion, no grey, just XX compete here, XY compete there, and anyone who wants to compete based upon how they feel can compete in the XY as an open class.

How hard is this and why did it every even come up for discussion?

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The French Olympic Committee is very “inclusive “ , don’t you know? Also they believe in Equity , so I suspect there will be hundreds of gold medals … every one has to have equity! Hahaha!

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Qualified Irish boxer Kellie Harrington has refused to compete against a man in this Olympics. Until all women refuse - this war on women won't be won. Those bio men will then be forced to form their own league, as a result of a mass boycott. There's no other way of saving women's sports. And unfortunately a lot of women who fought for women's rights have sold them out to an abusive agenda in the name of staying in the sport. Thank you again for leading the charge. I want "normal" for my granddaughters.

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Why can’t men who believe in fair play also boycott? Your logic says that the ones who are harmed are the ones who must fight unfair practices. Usually, civilized society is about shared respect for the rules. If someone steals your car, it’s not all on you to find and prosecute the thief.

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There is no guarantee that it would work, let alone that it is the only way.

I'd like to see all athletes, female and male, boycott.

That might have traction.

But expecting women and girls to give up their chances, only to be branded "transphobic" and shown the door, is unfair.

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They are not transphobic. They are honest intelligent people who refuse to affirm nonsense.

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Oh I agree.

But in some instances, a refusal to compete with males has resulted in female athletes being disciplined by sporting bodies. Just like the women who dare speak up about male inmates transferring into women's prisons are the ones who will be put in solitary or chastised by the prison system.

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It is absolutely infuriating! We have to bow down to men all over again, but now they sneak in pretending to be women! That’s the most disgusting thing! Men who do that are cheating , because they can’t compete with men , they just declare”I’m a woman” ! That way they can win, but in a stealthy way only!

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Don't blame men, these men are mentally ill. Blame our failed leadership class that capitulates to nonsense rather than leading with integrity. They pretend to not know what a women is. The leaders all need to be replaced.

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Hate to say it, but I guess it’s going to take a few trans “females” beating the absolute shit out of biological females in front of a worldwide audience to yank AWFLs out of their delusional thinking. I wouldn’t bet on it though.

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To a true believer I don't think it will matter. I've been reading Mattias Desmet's new book, Psychology of Totalitarianism. He describes how and why people get caught up in crazy, irrational ideologies to the point where they are incapable of understanding anything else. They are essentially hypnotized. What I don't understand is why woman in the committed feminist movement don't see how their values are being attacked.

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The authoritarianism of the trans cult has captured the IOC as well

as all left wing groups.. very alarming.

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As long as you’re “trans”, anything goes!

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womens sports have been on this downward slide for quite some time. Biological women have an hourglass figure, a curvature around the hips that extends up above the navel ('hip indentation'). For the last several years, there have been multiple women that dominate female sports, and when bikini pictures are analyzed, they entirely lack the hourglass shape. They tend to be extremely muscular in the upper body, taking on a drag-queen look as they age.

Yet people have cheered for them, no questions asked. So the slippery slope was put into motion.

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To be fair, when some female athletes get very lean, they lose the hip curve. I am 100% female and my normal figure is hourglass-shaped, but when I dieted down to a very lean level (around 14% bodyfat, which is very low for a woman), my figure resembled that of a teenage boy.

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I do agree that this is plausible. I'm in favor of dna/hormone testing for ALL the athletes in the female sports. Curiously, the supporters of the most dominant (and ambiguous) females are very against this. How odd.

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That used to be done routinely, due to things like East Germany routinely giving their female athletes large doses of male hormones at young ages. I’m old enough to remember seeing the burly East German female swimmers, compared to which the other female athletes looked like tiny twigs.

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Who saw this coming? Italy boxer Angela Carini’s Olympic dream shattered by opponent who’s clearly a testosterone-fueled dude. Great job IOC!


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Did anyone hear about the French menu plan for the Olympic village? Some athletes had eggs and meat flown in because the woke organizers served a vegan menu! As well, some athletes left the security of the village to take up accommodations in hotels as the cardboard bed frames just don't do the job. I suggest don't boycott watching 2024 Olympics because of the travesties of the Drag Queen Sex show ceremony. Watch and learn, celebrate our teams. And don't miss these important cultural details. Lastly, what about the CHILD in the yellow outfit, standing next to indecent exposure Hotpants Dude? Is this a boy being paraded as a girl? Is this child being sex trafficked? Why is no one asking?

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The man in the hot pants didn't expose himself. It was just a tear in his stockings. A subsequent photo taken when he was dancing shows the hole has enlarged. Yes, the performance was gross, but that part didn't actually occur.

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Yeah right

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Very sad. I expect the French had 3 extra votes

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Biology be damned! Today, I identify as "X_" (fill in the blank).

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Bow wow, me, too!

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Failed eligibility test? Whatcha farcical statement. They were xy MEN. Just say it. There is no such thing as a trans man or trans women. There is fetish and mental illness. Where are the grownups and why are they not leaders?

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But, but , “ They are women in their passports “! They may have a penis, but , if they say they’re women, well then they’re women! And I’m

Joan of Arc! I say so ! No, wait, I’m Eleanor Roosevelt, and don’t you mis -name me! I am fluid in my identity!

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Why I want to be president - so I can prosecute the criminal state before it brings us to World War III for its Fourth Reich


We need to impeach Lindsey Graham now for treason and guilt by association with Israel’s terrorist criminal state and the Criminal invisible empire . We have the evidence against the whole Democratic and Republican Party who are in power like Hitler and the Nazi’s were which is their own self-Declared unitary executive power. They are following the playbook of Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss, Paul Wolfowitz and the neocons and the neoFederalist Supreme Court and Justice Department and CIA and Federal Justice System which are actually subverting the Constitution by reverting their interpretation of it back to where it was in 1776 before we had any amendment or human rights protections (the British Federalist system). See @AmericanIntelligenceMedia @DouglasGabriel, @MikeMcKibben and Christopher Simpson’s books and the documentary Nazis in the CIA and John Loftus The Secret War against the Jews and Daniele Ganser book on NATO Gladio We need to prosecute Lindsey Graham and the entire vast right wing cabal starting with everyone who clapped for Netanyahu and the AIPAC Israel Lobby’s capture of our public estate and that if the world for their globalist Fourth Reich/ Great Reset. This includes bringing all of them before a truth and reconciliation commission and demanding they step out of power if they lie on the witness stand about their guilt by association with this vast organized right wing terrorist conspiracy they are waging with their forged $40 trillion of unplayable debt. If I was put on the ballot as an independent, I would win if the issues were framed honestly by the media em the way they were before William Casey of the CIA and Capital Cities ABC sabotaged the FCC Fairnesd Doctrine thereby enabling the media to be captured by the corrupt Fascist Reagan Bush Republican Party CIA government media monopoly Murdoch the Reagan Trump the Nazi OSS SS Sovereign Miltary. order of Malta )Reinhard Gehlen, William Casey, Allan Dulles, Hitler’s crown jurist in terms of dividing the world into friends and enemies so that they can declare total war on their manufactured enemies - Iran, Palestine, China, Russia and they manufacture literally the Terrorist group to wage false flag attacks. The secret covert operations of targeting and assassinating all the honest resistance and whistleblowers is their Nazi Gestapo Interpol method AI Palantir PROMIS PTech Pegaus Unit 8200 NSA GCHQ LAKAM Mossad SAVAK secret surveillance military intelligence agencies

Cc: Lindsey Graham #LindseyGraham Project Censored The Electronic Intifada The Real News Network Israel Did 911- No More Wars 4 Israel Schiller Institute Ridin' With Kamala Exposing the Rothschild Israel Connection and Beyond Amnesty International USA The Truth About Cancer Jewish Voice for Peace Democrats MintPress News The Palestine Project Jewish Voice for Peace-Chicago NWSOFA ACLU United Nations Human Rights The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists Manhattan Institute for Policy Research League of Women Voters of the US Democratic Attorneys General Association Stella Assange The TRUST FALL: Julian Assange - Documentary Danny Haiphong Peter Dale Scott Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Senator Ron Wyden Senator Dick Durbin U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders Gregory Kammerer Thomas Massie Christopher Mark Wingate The Chris Hedges Report

Kevin J Barrett Mark Crispin Miller Brandon Johnson The Federalist Papers

Sent from my iPhone

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