I hope that all of this will shine a light for the "movable middle." Republicans aren't innocent in any of this, and I don't trust either party, but the Democrats do not live in reality. My Congressman, Massie, and my Senator, Rand Paul are thankfully working hard to reveal truth and hopefully hold some people accountable. My other Senator (the "leader") needs to retire. Thanks for continuing to fight for truth and freedom.

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Absolutely. It's both parties - both wings of the same bird. Trump may have ended some of the Dodd-Frank regulations, but Clinton okayed merging investor banks with retail banks when he repealed Glass-Steagall. Both have led to ruin. Interestingly, the only aspect left standing from Dodd-Frank is the Bail-In. That's ominous...

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"When will we learn?" Pretty much never. This. "All of this happened — lockdowns forcing small business closures — while corporate employees worked from home and screeched “we’re all in this together” while ordering Uber Eats, watching Netflix and working kinda, sorta sometimes. And of course, while continuing to take their salaries and bonuses and stock payouts." I am doing my best to move on, but the attitude by the holier-than-thou lockdown lovers STILL pisses me off. One quick story. Back at the peak of the pandemicism stupidity, on a route I run pretty routinely, I noticed a sign hanging outside one of the houses I passed. It said something to the effect of, "Thanks heroes, for keeping us safe." It was aimed at people making deliveries and doing, well, actual work, while the people who could afford to do so stayed inside, ordering from Amazon and getting take-out. WTAF? I even have one friend whose wife is a teacher, who absolutely, positively worked remote for much of the pandemic who Tweeted, "I don't remember there being a lockdown" or words to that effect. Again, I ask, WTAF?

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Every bit of this is logic. Scariest part is the suggestion to lock us down every two years to save the planet. I've been an environmentalist my whole life. We need to stop poisoning the water and the air. We need to do things differently. Instead, they're going to use it as an excuse for social programming and taking away our rights while business continues as usual. I refuse to be locked down every few years. We should all refuse.

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Thank you for continuing to press on these issues. Nothing has been done to prevent this from happening again. I feel like so many are screaming into the void.

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What do you mean "Lockdowns didn't work"?

They seem to have worked great for the Left....they crushed a roaring economy, unseated a President in the opposition party, and increased the thuggish footprint of the government in all our lives. Sadly, they count all these things as a success.

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Scary how accurate you are, Jennifer. There is a better way to deal with those who try to manipulate not only the economy, but the dialog itself around the world. We must do things differently.

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All this to get us ready for the eventual "climate lockdowns", which are coming. When they said, "We're all in this together", you can take them at their word - THEY are. Those of us who see it and stay in the system only serve to perpetuate our own slavery. The ones who "go along to get along" have lost all my respect and all my concern. My husband and I both walked away in 2020 - like Atlas Shrugged - and haven't looked back. If the Fed doesn't raise rates, inflation will continue to skyrocket. If they do raise rates, the backdoor dealings of the banks will be exposed - all their emergency runs to the FHLB (a mini-FED) to cover their overly-leveraged asses will finally catch up, and not a day too soon. (I'm no banker but I did earn a degree in Economics). Let it fall. Let it all come crumbling down. Only problem is, the little guy is the one who will pay. As usual. I said to friends at the beginning of Covid, "This is an economic demolition." They all laughed. They're not laughing now.

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The "we" who are willing to learn already have learnt. You should probably shed the notion that the people who have power to impose lockdown and masque mandates and vaxxajab mandates are "we." They aren't elected in the case of bureau-rats and corporation directors. Even the elections show precious little input from voters in many places.

They did these things. And if we want justice for their crimes we cannot expect much from their criminal and civil "justice" system.

The aristocrats are arrogant. They won't change on their own. The more you cooperate and comply and willingly pay taxes, the fewer options you have. It isn't your govt any longer. It's theirs.

Since "all political power derives from the people and all just power derives from" our consent, "the people have at all times the right to alter, reform, or abolish the government as" we see fit. Delegating power has proven perilous. So stop.

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Indeed. The tyranny ends only when you stop complying with it.

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All by design! 10% Joe slogan Build Back Better.. he has to destroy it to build it back to their NWO! They want the 2 class system and no middle class since we're the majority. Been in plan since 1972 .. they played the long game on us.. the globalist have infiltrated they both in R and D clothings.

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Good piece as usual, Jen. I will add that Biden shutting down domestic energy is the tap root of the inflation tree. It is the basis for all goods produced in the US. We now consume more energy than we produce... Unlike two years ago.

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Many knew lockdowns might work in small areas, containment is possible but once wide spread, obviously containment can't work. My reward for pointing out the obvious was to get booted off platforms. That was the power of the Event 201 planning in action and the group think was world wide. Fear and feckless politicians allowed the damage. Recovery will take time and it's important to expose the players in public.

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This is what is really underpinning the SVB bank "crash."


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