May 23·edited May 23Liked by Jennifer Sey

Totally agree. It is madness to continue this, and safety is the 1,000 pound gorilla nobody wants to acknowledge until there is a fatality. And maybe not even then. Unbelievable.

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i feel things like this will get TRUMP back in office. I don't like him but if his party is going to restore title 9 and make it ok to be women and not " birthing people" I might just have to vote for him

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I don’t know if I can get myself to vote for Trump, but Biden has thrown woman under the bus! There is one organization that is trying to get Democrats together against the gender ideology. DIAG ..Democrats for an Informed Approach to GENDER. They need more publicity. Maybe they can even get some courageous Democrats to run on their platform.

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Never heard of do they have a twitter account or insta?

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They’re very new .. started early in 2024. You can look up Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender. They sound very reasonable ..

I hope they grow in numbers and they find some Democrats who will run on a platform that recognizes women ! I have a hard time voting for Democrats now, since all of them seem to be on the trans cult wagon..

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There are a lot of Democrats who feel that way, but they’re still going to vote for Biden.

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Jennifer - rugby is hardly a 'non-contact sport'!

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You are correct. Should say non-combat, but high contact! edited!

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May 23Liked by Jennifer Sey


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As an ex-wife, a trans widow, I've watched my crossdressing, "female identified" former husband (father of our children) claim to be me, the mother of our children as well as his pursuit of martial arts. He's got anger issues, as most of them do. He competes against women. In my data of 60 trans widows' experiences, I've discovered that just over 1/3 of us were assaulted by him. (he wasn't in a "feminine mood?") Along with sports, where women get injured by male competitors and where women will overtrain to compete with males, the rest of the ramifications of "trans world" spell disaster for women. Male puberty or not, these boys/men put us in danger:


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May 23·edited May 23

I wholeheartedly agree with everything you write here. But I also feel someone of your obvious intellect should go a little deeper.

For example, you write: "The truth which the entire world understood to be true until 5 minutes ago: that sex is binary and men and women are different."

But did that 'entire world' include the radical feminists who have, for most of my adult life, insisted otherwise and, further, insisted that I (and other men raised with a belief i chivalry) to be misogynist for believing and saying so?

You say you "feel at home with Lefties or former Lefties or politically homeless folks who simply reject the madness and embrace truth", and even extend to "women [you] have met on the Right who also reject the madness," but can't unite with men not on the Left?

I feel like that is a bindspot, especially as 'men not on the left' could and should be a pretty powerful ally.

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I like men … I was just talking about women and female friends Etc. I’m married to a man. Many if not most of my friends are men. I’d also argue it’s radical feminists who’ve been fighting this battle the longest. They are the so called TERFs. So no I don’t agree that this is radical feminists’ fault.

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May 23Liked by Jennifer Sey

I don't doubt it for a second (and can honestly say that I love women - including my wife and two daughters - not least, because they are so different). And i didn't mean to say that this crazy phenomenon is radical feminists' fault , exactly, but just that maybe sometimes fish sometimes do need a bicycle after all?

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You didn't understand what we were saying, and being married to a woman isn't an argument.

The biggest TERFs said from the beginning that men are not women, including Janice Raymonde in "The Transexual Empire" in 1979.

We never said men and women aren't different. Men stated for centuries that BECAUSE men and women are different, they get to treat women like shit, whether that's child marriage, legal wife-beating, denial of education/employment/financial power/political representation.

That's the difference. We say that even if men and women are different biologically, men don't get to get away with treating women like shit.

So, no, fish don't need a bicycle. I'm sure you'd like to get back to the good ol' days of chivalry when a man could legally beat his wife, but it's not going to happen. I'm tired of having this same stupid argument with men who think crying about how they're not all bad because he has daughters changes legal history. It's irrational.

And btw, this didn't take off until a group of male billionaires put their money behind it, as pushed by a medical industry and media industrial-complex. Look into Jennifer Bilek's work on this.

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@kat Thanks for clarifying the historical record. There’s so much historical revisionism happening around all things trans.

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I think you just made my case.

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I did the exact opposite.

You have no clue what I'm even talking about because you're ignorant of what is going on.

Male reading comprehension skills ftw. Go play video games.

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You just keep digging, huh?

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Why are women not standing up for other women? Does someone have to die in order for Title IX to be upheld? They told us to believe in science. Well science says there is a scientific difference between men and women.

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TERF is a made up word that signifies nothing! Just like all trans made up language!

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Forgive my ignorance, but would a male hit with a volleyball not have suffered the same injuries as McNabb? I have trouble imagining the potential risks of low contact sports.

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May 27Liked by Jennifer Sey

No. Men's and boys' necks are thicker and more muscular. Women and girls are more vulnerable to whiplash. A quick google will provide links to many articles like this one: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.ircobi.org/wordpress/downloads/irc12/pdf_files/31.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwi1xti0iq6GAxXB4ckDHZD0DR0Q5YIJegQIFxAA&usg=AOvVaw1zhUDNQj7f7bhzzs7eqUh6. Caroline Criado-Peres' book provides a great overview of sex differences and the consequences of ignoring them: https://carolinecriadoperez.com/book/invisible-women/

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