Here’s some add ons:

They screamed “my body my choice” after Roe was struck down but haven’t said boo about the vaccine mandates.

Ginsberg warned that Roe wouldn’t hold up. Any moves prior by Dems to come up with plan B? Nope

Back to vaccine mandates. Natural immunity, ignored. No proper long term safety studies for the vaccine for pregnant women, vaxx away!! If you want to keep your job. Or eat in a restaurant and on…

NYC’s double standard mandating school children to get vaccinated to play in school sports but allowing an non vaccinated pro athlete to play. Masking only the toddlers until the bitter end.

Early Covid Treatment was censored and denigrated in the press and by our health authorities. Doctor’s licenses revoked.

The Great Barrington Declaration buried and the presenters besmirched.

I could go on and on here.

Bottom line, I can’t wait to go vote Republican for the first time in my life. I’m in NY. Zeldin is my choice as he has stated he will remove all Covid vax mandates and not allow them for our children. That’s my hill.

Jennifer, you might be interested in attending the Brownstone Institute’s big Conference/Gala dinner on December 3 in Miami. Dr. Ladapo will be speaking at the dinner.

I’m going. Cannot wait!

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Welcome to the rational center, Jennifer!

I grew up in a union Democrat home. But my parents voted for Reagan (so did I, the second time). And by the time I was an adult, I was perturbed enough about what I saw as the Democratic party's embrace of and promotion of vice (an impression only strengthened by Democrats' reaction to Bill Clinton's behavior) that I considered myself a moderate Republican for years.

But then came the pointless invasion of Iraq, and I realized that the Republicans did not represent me either. My actual registration has bounced around, depending on the candidate I wanted to support in the primaries: Ron Paul in 2012, Bernie Sanders in 2016 (yes, I feel betrayed), and Tulsi Gabbard in 2020.

I have lost friends for daring to think for myself. My Republican friends may shake their heads over some of my opinions, but my friends and relatives who are Democrats have actively jettisoned me. That tells me a lot about where the parties stand.

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what is it they say in gymnastics? 10! 10! 10! well done.

I became an independent woman voter a few years back. (left the Republicans behind)

Enough lying and disgust on both sides.

Power will be restored to the people when we 1)get rid of 2 party system and 2)institute term limits at all levels.

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Exactly. I love the way you write...succinct and to the point. No fluff here!

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I am about to post this to my Facebook page as my coming of out the closet moment -- and possibly will blow up my entire social life and possibly hurt my businesses (which says something sad about my Democrat social network, doesn’t it?). It is so spot on. Thank you for writing this. ❤️

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well... we can hang out?

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Curious to know if you did post it on FB and what happened. I've got $20 that says many "unfriendings" and other massive blowback.

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Lifelong registered Dem here: I'll see you authoritarian lockdown, vax mandates and censorship, the demonizing of the working class, and raise you zero accountability for the ignominious, chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and the inability/unwillingness to deal with the border. Is it gross incompetence or deliberate obstruction/destruction? Who cares. Voting R for the first time in my life.

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Don’t get me started. I’m not saying that the republicans are any saints, but the democrats literally looked at the numbers and said, “hey, if we appeal to EVERY fringe group on the left, it’ll give us an edge.”

So, to retain power, and for power alone, the democrat platform switched to the mentally ill, child mutilation, unchecked immigration and cultural replacement, communists, racists, and every horrible ideology imaginable.

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Superb article. Anyone supporting this new Democratic Party should take a step back and evaluate their mental fitness.

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Well done. Unfortunately I do think politics in America is essentially binary, you have to put your weight on one side or the other. There isn't really an option to be neutral. The Republican Party certainly has plenty of flaws of its own, but they can always at least say that they were the party formed to free the slaves!

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Very interesting article. I grew up Democratic then became Republican and for years have been an Indie. I vote on a per-candidate basis.

I've been exposed to many different lifestyles and people -- from world capitals to poor relatives in the South to motorcycle gangs. And in college I became deeply involved in the evangelical church (in the South). Then I became a pro musician. So you can imagine what I've seen.

What I'm saying is, I've been friends with all kinds of people. I've eaten in their homes, gone on vacations with them, planned surprise parties, hugged them, gone canoeing with them, eaten crabs with them, come to the rescue a few times, listened for hours about their concerns, and so on. I really 'get' where they're coming from because these were long-term friendships. That's how you get to know people - by spending time with them.

One thing that scares me about 'elitist' (in-the-bubble) Dems, is they literally seem absolutely clueless when it comes to understanding people with significantly different concerns, lifestyles, or life problems.

It's scary - (really, it scares me) - to see regions of Dem power, like a lot of mainstream media, paint demographic segments with broad strokes. And paint them as evil and an imminent threat.

They sound like tourists describing a place they've never been to.

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As human beings we are empowered to make decisions based on what's best for us or our families. To lead, not follow and not being told how or what to think. I hear this on a consistent basis from our corporate office.

We are free thinkers and should be treated with respected for our personal choices, especially when it doesn't follow the "narrative"!!! Welcome aboard Jen! You are not a voice in the wilderness!

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Dear Red-Pilled Jennifer; while the escalation of the past 2 years has laid bare their true colors for all to see, the same democrat party you’ve left has not changed its core for the past 20 years. Welcome to the real world.

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When procrastinating (e.g., paying bills), I look up various topics free associated with the week's events. I am still crossing my fingers that Trivial Pursuit becomes a fad again.

I was thinking about politicians who had healthy discourse and were friends - like the examples below.

John McCain and just about everyone

Bill Clinton and both Bush Presidents

Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Antonin Scalia

Orrin Hatch and Ted Kennedy

And I searched on Google:

Are there any politicians in Washington with opposing views who are friends?

I could have looked more arduously, but the 1st page references the above list.

And then I searched:

Why is it okay for men to be angry and not women?

The 1st article popped up on psychologytoday.com with the headline

Men's Fears of Women's Anger

And this is my long way of saying that, firstly, Jen has reason to be angry, not just for herself and others which came at a personal cost to her.

And she is one of the few people in the public who is open to cross-political views and encourages debate, including at my family dinner table.

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Thank you Brett. My dinner table too! And no, i don't think anyone in politics is friends with anyone on the other side of the aisle anymore... certainly they don't announce it because they'll then be accused of holding those "other side of the aisle" views. Guilt by association...

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My impression is that Democrats are badly underestimating the extent to which people feel they were abandoned and mistreated by the covid policies. And, the bitterness that results from that. Maybe they believed that slogans ("we're all in this together") and signs were enough.

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I am a registered Democrat but feel they are currently despicable. All the denigration from Jimmy Kimmel, Howard Stern, Colbert and co. Let the unvaccinated die! Don’t admit the them into hospitals. No kidney transplants. These people are really monsters. Not too bright either. Trusting Pfizer—after it paid huge felony fines for fraud—like good little children. Really?

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Well said. It paints, however, too rosy a picture. Things are much worse than this.

I was reminded of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s essay “ Live Not by Lies”, as I was reading this. Everyone should read and reflect upon his words. All out war has been declared on the truth and this constant subversion of the truth is the hallmark of tyranny. We all need to stand up for the truth………and live not by lies. The proper pronoun for a man pretending to be a woman is “he”. Period. Our southern border is wide open and unsecured. Period. Every day the media and the Biden administration tell us not to believe our lying eyes. 2+2=5. If we stand up to the lies and refuse to be bullied, we have a chance.

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Jennifer, I'd like to interview you on my radio show. Please contact me if you are interested.


Meg Ellefson

Host - WSAU Wisconsin Morning News/Feedback Program

Midwest Communications-Wausau/Central Wisconsin

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