About Sey Everything

I have met so many people from all sides of the political spectrum, from all walks of life, who just want to be able to talk about stuff. To not be deemed outside the boundaries of society because they ask questions or simply show any understanding of and empathy for the “other side.”

Like me, they feel the world has gone mad when they are told to dismiss family and friends because they vote for someone different or (gasp!) choose not to get vaccinated.

These folks seek truth, rather than righteousness and moral superiority from dismissing others’ views as repugnant. They are curious, and interested in being challenged. They exhibit empathy for the other side’s arguments even when they don’t agree.

Sey Everything is for these people.

I want to discuss and openly debate issues and how they are presented by the media. I want to come out of my corner and have conversations with people (you!) I may have dismissed in the past. I reject the notion that veering one step — or even ten steps — outside the conventional narrative, makes me a bigot [or insert any defaming appellation here — anti vaxxer, white supremacist, anti-masker, granny killer, fat-phobe.]

More than anything I want to contribute to opening up dialogue again. I want Sey Everything to be a place where folks can interact, share their thoughts, challenge the authorized and government-endorsed, party-sanctioned, media-touted stories of the day.

I’ll talk about “woke capitalism.”

I’ll talk about my projects — a book and a documentary feature film and a new business/brand.

I also want to talk about relationships — being a parent, a spouse, a friend. How do you maintain connection in such a divided world? It’s not easy but it is so important. Fractured relationships may be the saddest part of all this discord.

I hope Sey Everything can be a place where people, who perhaps have heterodox views or views that just don’t align 100% “right” or 100% “left”, can come and glean some sense of community. You aren’t crazy because you see things differently than how they are consistently presented by the media, by political parties, by your friends.

My aim is to be inclusive of all viewpoints. The only thing I’ll reject is gross disrespect and not in this new-fangled words are violence kind of way. You can disagree with me and other readers/commenters, that’s fine. But no doxxing or name calling, personal insults or ad hominem attacks. Just lively discussion. I can take it. And so can you.

2/3s of Americans say they feel they can’t say what they really think. What are we doing? The majority reject this dynamic but do so silently, afraid of the repercussions of speaking their minds. But we are the only ones who can change this. We need to speak up! Ask questions! Set our fears aside.

I’d like to be a small part of bringing together the truth-seekers, the free-thinkers, the openminded.

I’m one of them.

If you’re one too, or even if you aren’t, welcome!

About Jennifer Sey

Jennifer spent close to 23 years at Levi Strauss & Co., holding a variety of leadership positions. She began in 1999 as an entry level marketing assistant and became the Global Brand President in 2020, the first woman to hold this post.

As a child, Jen led an intense life of dedication, challenge and competition. She won the U.S. National Gymnastics Championship title in 1986, less than one year after having suffered a devastating injury at the 1985 World Championships.

In 2008, Sey released a memoir, “Chalked Up,” a New York Times E-Book Best Seller detailing her triumphs and struggles within the world of competitive gymnastics.

In 2020, with the release of “Athlete A”, an award-winning documentary on Netflix laying bare the abuses in the Olympic movement, Jen added Emmy winning Producer to her list of credits.

In 2020 Jennifer spoke out about the harms to children from school closures during the pandemic. Her calls to prioritize children went against the mainstream narrative and she faced pressure to stay quiet. After 28 years in the corporate world, Jennifer Sey left it all to speak her mind.

Now she’s doing just that. Her book, Levi’s Unbuttoned, came out in November 2022.

In addition to the book and this newsletter, she is producing and directing a feature-length documentary film called Generation Covid which focuses on the impact to children from school closures and other restrictions during the pandemic.

And in March 2024, Sey launched her own brand called XX-XY Athletics, the only athletic brand to stand up for female athletes and the protection of women’s sports.

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A newsletter about woke capitalism and standing up to group-think.


Mom of 4, author, filmmaker and former corporate executive. Not cancelled.