Apr 19Liked by Jennifer Sey

This whole discussion just puzzles me. Whenever anyone asks me where are the studies that transitioning men are stronger than women I just direct them to a local gym or fitness center. For years I have coached girls in powerlifting. Most can be outlifted by any boy who is in the gym, and he doesn’t even need extensive training. This is just madness. I keep thinking the rubber band has to snap back sometime but I’m beginning to wonder.

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Apr 19Liked by Jennifer Sey

If anything has been learned over the last 4 years and really longer back than that, it’s that neither party stands for the 5 bullet points you started with. They never have despite constant gaslighting of us. Just look at results to know this is true…

War on poverty - please

Education - they all send their kids to private school while they bow to teachers unions

Greed - just look at management pay versus frontline workers pay.

Protecting women and children - you are all over that one and rightfully so

Free speech - check out the new and improved FISA, modified with an exception for Congress. Can’t make this stuff up.

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Apr 19Liked by Jennifer Sey

I was born at the wrong time and did not have the advantage of Title IX I fought for title IX in the late 60’s early 70’s. I wanted girls to have advantages in sports and scholarships. It has provided girls and women with opportunities never imagined when I grew up. Now it’s a watered down mess. I never thought I’d see the day it would change. Women and Men are supposed to compete separately. A female pro tennis player or pro golfer cannot beat a male in either sport. So says Serena Williams the best tennis player and strongest player of all time.

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So infuriating. I too was left of center, maybe way left at one time. No more! I can no longer support the Dems, (of course I'd never be a Republican either). Willing to lose family and friends over it, all of them good little dems, unwilling to see the madness so they can stay in their tribe. It makes me sad but I can't lose myself for their approval. What a difference 4 years makes! I'm supporting RFK Jr. the only candidate that makes sense to me. Is he perfect? Does he get everything right? Probably not. Will my family and friends disapprove of my support? Most definitely. But he is the only candidate that represents my views and either I don't vote or I vote for him. That's not giving any votes to Trump. There is no way I'm voting Dem especially since this last ridiculous move. If the last 4 years wasn't enough to bear. Sorry if I'm getting political but hey - sey anything, right?

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I'm seriously considering sending this post to the liberal institutions that were some of the scaffolding I put around my children's lives before March 2020. Those institutions are experiencing reduced engagement, serious financial problems and cognitive dissonance. I almost feel bad for them. They really have NO idea that their prioritization of fealty to the Democratic party is the problem.

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This is all deeply disturbing.

I’ve been a fan of Tucker Carlson for many years now. He just released an interview he did with Dennis Hannon. If this interview does not trouble you, then nothing will. Hard to believe this insanity is occurring. It is and we need to put an end to it very quickly. Michael Knowles suggested we need to eradicate trans ideology and he was attacked for that. I feel he is absolutely right…….this is evil, sinister stuff.

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You are definitely a Democrat. Your radical feminist view of the world puts you squarely in that camp. You are at best declaring that men suffered less than women during Covid; at worst you subtly suggest men didn't suffer at all. Where did you dig up these broad assumptions? Thats pure feminist ideology.

I find it sad that you appear to care only about women and girls. You did not mention the other aspects of these recent Title IX regulations. They pressure universities to prosecute young men that have been falsely accused of sexual harassment or rape. These universities create kangaroo courts. The feminist social justice warriors deny these young men their due process rights to an attorney and to see evidence. This is destroying young men's lives every day. They will never get into another college and are put on a list of sexual offenders. It's tragic and it's immoral.

I can also tell you that men do not what women in their spaces either. Regardless of their status. For decades feminist have invaded then wrecked anything considered male only. The Boy Scouts are a good example. Women even tried to compete in men's golf and other sports.

Try to remember that half the world's population are not women. Open your heart to the fact that boys and men have trials, tribulations and feelings just like you do. Don't throw away your Democrat party voters registration card yet.

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What I don't understand is how those who purvey and/or accept this nonsense don't seem to be able to comprehend how disastrous it truly is? If I comprehend the telos of this bill correctly -- which no one voted for, am I right? Kind of like many of the toilets at the two universities where I work turning 'all gender' during Obama's last term in office, with no input whatsoever from those who use them. Add to this the pronoun swag they handed out -- clearly someone is funding PROMOTING this, and, on this note, may I add that gender ideology is forced on the syllabi on one school and when I tried deleting it, an email went out to clarify that it's MANDATORY to say that students should come to me to discuss their GENDER so I can direct them to the school's shiny new gender clinic (funded by the Obama administration?) I deleted TALK TO ME.

ANYWAY, the telos of this bill, as I understand it, is to deny due process for any victims of false or trumped accusations of "racism" and "sexism." In other words, this new, manufactured, protected class can take anyone down they don't like.

In 2021 I was accused of racism for just doing my job. I wouldn't exempt a student from my course because her work was objectively not passable. In a zoom conference, the student screamed at me that I don't know how to do my job as I tried reviewing the evidence with her. Next thing I know, I'm on trial with HR, who tells me that the law (thank you Trump) requires I get to tell my side of the story. Toward the end of the interview, the HR person tells me that I need to find witnesses willing to vouch that I am not racist, among other items to prove as such. Having been read the student's accusation, which was 100% undiluted emotional hysteria -- I do not talk about race in my classes and had said nothing racist, so the complaint really should have been ignored -- I asked WHAT EVIDENCE DID THE STUDENT PROVIDE THAT I AM RACIST?

And HR replied: "She doesn't have to provide evidence. All that matters is the way you made her feel."

So this is where the Biden Administration is taking us. Shades of the worst political abuses of the 20th century are here for us to live again.

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Where does the ideology end? Why do we have separate women's spaces at all if men can just invade them at any time? Let's just put an end to all sex-specific spaces. All-gender sports, locker rooms, prisons, that should go well! This is basically what the Dems are advocating for these days.

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60’s feminism: we want to be equal to men.

70’s feminism: a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.

Today’s feminism: what is a woman?

Sorry ladies, you brought this on yourselves, and only you can fix it. Does anybody think that 50 years ago the authors of title IX thought we’d be arguing over the definition of a woman today? The misogynistic, nihilistic trans activists you’ve allowed to hijack the narrative are all on you. The simple acknowledgement the men and women are different, and have different skill sets should be celebrated. And here’s the painful part, Its relatively easy to say “I’m done with the democrats” but to admit that conservative values might actually be important? Naw. Can’t do it. As the father of a teenage daughter, I wish you luck, for her sake, and yours.

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Reason enough for this lifelong Democrat to never vote for my party again. This is no longer the party of JFK, Scoop Jackson, Patrick Moynihan or Bill Clinton. Trans women (aka biological men) do not belong in women's sports because it would be an unfair competition, in women's restrooms and locker rooms because women are entitled to privacy from men and certainly not in women's prisons. Just like me because we are men. This is clearly a new religion. Jesus rose from the dead. A man can become a woman. Both are examples of a kind of magical thinking protected in the US by the First Amendment as is my belief as an atheist that they are religious nonsense.

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Looking from the outside in, it seems like none of this matters whatsoever bc their main issue, above all issues (correct me if I'm wrong) is Abortion at Anytime Upon Demand. Any other argument seems to fall back on "But...abortion!" Am I wrong?

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The Biden Administration Inserts an Emmett Till/Brian Banks Clause in Their Revised Title IX Protections https://shorturl.at/uAT57

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We can only hope.

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I would say it's where the Democrats have gone to die, not the left. The Democrats have never really embraced left wing ideas in the 20+ years I've lived here. They have embraced identity politics ahead of traditional left wing mores.

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Well said! Why does truth make some people stand on their hind legs and yap yap yap?

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