This guy is delusional. The people who I hear being the loudest about allowing transwomen to compete in women's sports are 99.9% women who have never played a sport in their life, with or without men, and are basing their information about male and female athletic performance on what they see in Marvel movies.
I am certainly not a world-class athlete, but I'm a pretty decent female mountain biker who has been riding with men for many years. I'm old now, but in my prime I was one of the strongest amateur female riders in my area - and I have had my ass handed to me on numerous occasions by 16 year old boys. There was a pro female rider who lived in our area who competed at the international level, and she was certainly the fastest woman in these parts - but you know who was faster? A large number of my male buddies, who maybe raced in college but now are 40+ and have desk jobs and ride a couple days per week.
So... it's non-athletic people , the couch-potatoes who don't even work out who are getting mad, huh? Nice. This guy's argument is pretty much a version of "well, y'all are ugly and fat". Very eloquent. Either he is that dumb or he is lying through his teeth and knows that people who don't speak up , just can't afford to risk their livelihood.
Jack is an idiot. Maybe he doesn’t realize that NCAA athletes cannot stand up for themselves because they would literally get kicked off their teams. That’s why I stand up for my daughter, who IS an NCAA athlete. So, Jack can take a seat.
I agree. I would say he’s an embarrassment to the family name, but actually it seems he’s fitting right in. Caroline has definitely jumped the shark. I think her son is quite mentally disturbed. The glow came off the name some time ago even as we tried to still believe in Camelot. RFKjr is looking more outstanding all the time. I think he’ll be okay with being rejected by the motley group of bitter Leftists.
Nice list, well done. And I’ll add to this my friend and I on our 4 mile walk today talking about our high school athletic career and how much we learned participating in sports that would not have happened had boys taken our places. Btw we are both fit and fifty somethings. And I’d wager there’s an army of women like us.
Spare me your judgement, know-nothing a-hole Kennedy boy. Nepo-baby indeed.
I was never an athlete - but I am a woman who has been interested in “male” oriented activities like building and electronics all my life, while being distinctly uninterested in makeup and pink and frills (and some jackass who buys into stereotypes would probably have tried to convince me I was a boy if I grew up in the current gender climate). While at one point in time, I was able to hang sheet rock on my own, I would never have been able to get as much of it done in a day as a man - even if he was only 5’4” like me. Biology simply puts more muscle mass and bone density onto male bodies. It never mattered for electronics.
Sport is a test of the physical body along with strength of mind and will. Women who wanted to play competitively had to fight hard to gain the venues to do so. If you have had the advantage of the physical buildup provided by the biological reality of testerone, go play on the male team or fight for your own trans teams. Women are once more being pushed back into the trenches of fighting for their own spaces. JS is just another fool, entitled male mouthing off about something he really has no stake in. I agree with you - what a tool!
Follow the money. You are entirely right. Not many would risk speaking up about this injustice and possible lose their lucrative endorsements. To those athletes who are keeping their heads down I would say stand up and defund what's right or your rights will be the next ones sacrificed. First they came for the Jews. Then they came for the communists. Then the came for the homosexuals and on and on. There is a political agenda here that goes beyond women's sports. It's past time to stand up and be counted before it's too late. By the way, I'm a 72 year old man who gathers his own firewood, grows his own farm animals and huts and forages in the forest every year. I'd like to see this simpering fool come out here and try to keep up with me. You keep up the good fight girl!
As well, Jack, plenty of trans widows, the women who divorced suddenly "identifying" and suddenly crossdressing husbands, know exactly how strong these men are, as they threatened, pushed, battery strangled and sexually assaulted us before we managed to leave. These men are so strong, they claim we caused them bruises. In my data on the experiences of 67 trans widows, none of the husband's violent assaults were prosecuted. In fact, in 2 cases where she called the police, the entire event got turned around and her self-defense was listed as a crime. Jack needs to read, watch Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films channel, and update himself on the aggression of these "female identifying men." In my ex-husband's case, he joined a women's martial arts team, the tae kwon do kind with the long poles. Doesn't matter how much estrogen he's taken over the years, he is capable of enormous damage to a female sparring partner.
This guy is delusional. The people who I hear being the loudest about allowing transwomen to compete in women's sports are 99.9% women who have never played a sport in their life, with or without men, and are basing their information about male and female athletic performance on what they see in Marvel movies.
I am certainly not a world-class athlete, but I'm a pretty decent female mountain biker who has been riding with men for many years. I'm old now, but in my prime I was one of the strongest amateur female riders in my area - and I have had my ass handed to me on numerous occasions by 16 year old boys. There was a pro female rider who lived in our area who competed at the international level, and she was certainly the fastest woman in these parts - but you know who was faster? A large number of my male buddies, who maybe raced in college but now are 40+ and have desk jobs and ride a couple days per week.
So... it's non-athletic people , the couch-potatoes who don't even work out who are getting mad, huh? Nice. This guy's argument is pretty much a version of "well, y'all are ugly and fat". Very eloquent. Either he is that dumb or he is lying through his teeth and knows that people who don't speak up , just can't afford to risk their livelihood.
The Kennedy clan - especially the boys- have never been known for their intelligence. Or their great treatment of women. Ask the Kopechne family.
Jack is an idiot. Maybe he doesn’t realize that NCAA athletes cannot stand up for themselves because they would literally get kicked off their teams. That’s why I stand up for my daughter, who IS an NCAA athlete. So, Jack can take a seat.
Jack Schlossberg.
And he writes for Vogue?
Who, seriously, cares what he has to say?
correct. Vogue is nothing but trash.
Jennifer, you engaged an unarmed person in a battle of wits, facts, and common sense. With predictable results.
He's a loser, totally dependent on elite connections. He would starve if left to his own abilities.
He should fly planes like his uncle.
I agree. I would say he’s an embarrassment to the family name, but actually it seems he’s fitting right in. Caroline has definitely jumped the shark. I think her son is quite mentally disturbed. The glow came off the name some time ago even as we tried to still believe in Camelot. RFKjr is looking more outstanding all the time. I think he’ll be okay with being rejected by the motley group of bitter Leftists.
Even if it was true ... so what? Does that diminish the argument? What an idiot.
Really you don’t need to defend against the crap from an insane nepo baby. He’s simply garbage.
Nice list, well done. And I’ll add to this my friend and I on our 4 mile walk today talking about our high school athletic career and how much we learned participating in sports that would not have happened had boys taken our places. Btw we are both fit and fifty somethings. And I’d wager there’s an army of women like us.
Spare me your judgement, know-nothing a-hole Kennedy boy. Nepo-baby indeed.
100%! I was a ballet dancer and I know what a dog is.
South Park nailed this years ago:
SOUTH PARK | Strong Woman Competition (Trans Woman): [2:32mins]
Not exactly your average trans athlete.
I was never an athlete - but I am a woman who has been interested in “male” oriented activities like building and electronics all my life, while being distinctly uninterested in makeup and pink and frills (and some jackass who buys into stereotypes would probably have tried to convince me I was a boy if I grew up in the current gender climate). While at one point in time, I was able to hang sheet rock on my own, I would never have been able to get as much of it done in a day as a man - even if he was only 5’4” like me. Biology simply puts more muscle mass and bone density onto male bodies. It never mattered for electronics.
Sport is a test of the physical body along with strength of mind and will. Women who wanted to play competitively had to fight hard to gain the venues to do so. If you have had the advantage of the physical buildup provided by the biological reality of testerone, go play on the male team or fight for your own trans teams. Women are once more being pushed back into the trenches of fighting for their own spaces. JS is just another fool, entitled male mouthing off about something he really has no stake in. I agree with you - what a tool!
Vogue? Really?
Jack is a wandering minstrel looking for an audience, Jenn.
Do not suffer fools.
Follow the money. You are entirely right. Not many would risk speaking up about this injustice and possible lose their lucrative endorsements. To those athletes who are keeping their heads down I would say stand up and defund what's right or your rights will be the next ones sacrificed. First they came for the Jews. Then they came for the communists. Then the came for the homosexuals and on and on. There is a political agenda here that goes beyond women's sports. It's past time to stand up and be counted before it's too late. By the way, I'm a 72 year old man who gathers his own firewood, grows his own farm animals and huts and forages in the forest every year. I'd like to see this simpering fool come out here and try to keep up with me. You keep up the good fight girl!
The beta energy coming from this creature's soy-filled pores is palpable.
As well, Jack, plenty of trans widows, the women who divorced suddenly "identifying" and suddenly crossdressing husbands, know exactly how strong these men are, as they threatened, pushed, battery strangled and sexually assaulted us before we managed to leave. These men are so strong, they claim we caused them bruises. In my data on the experiences of 67 trans widows, none of the husband's violent assaults were prosecuted. In fact, in 2 cases where she called the police, the entire event got turned around and her self-defense was listed as a crime. Jack needs to read, watch Behind the Looking Glass at Lime Soda Films channel, and update himself on the aggression of these "female identifying men." In my ex-husband's case, he joined a women's martial arts team, the tae kwon do kind with the long poles. Doesn't matter how much estrogen he's taken over the years, he is capable of enormous damage to a female sparring partner.
Ugh. These people. They open their mouths and dust fall out.
And for every woman who has spoken up, there are over a thousand who wish they could, without genuine fear of being labeled a bigot.