A man with his genitals removed is just a man without his genitals. It ain't that complicated. Maybe if the women's teams announced why they were pulling out it would inspire more women's teams to pull out. Boycotting this insanity is the only way to put an end to it. People should refuse to watch this crap. Loss of revenue seems to be the only thing they understand.

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many don't remove the genitals. women can have penises you know! in the upside down.

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Good point. How can any rational person swallow this B.S.? It' Like the story of the Emperors New Clothes. Nobody in the position to point out the obvious to the masses seems to have the guts to state the truth. Then again with all of the drugs, legal and otherwise, it's hard to say how many people are really aware of reality.

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Sep 18Liked by Jennifer Sey

This is so utterly disgusting, I can barely write a comment on it. All I will say is this: I have two daughters. Both have graduated from college already. They were not athletes like you were. But, I can confidently say I would do everything in y power to discourage them from participating on this team if they were on it. I don’t blame the female teammates who go along, but I don’t see how this crap ends until the woman boycott and force the administration to address it appropriately.

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"Southern Utah pulled out of their match with San Jose State, neither confirming or denying that they pulled out because San Jose has a male player on the women’s team. Why not just say it?"

Because they rightly fear getting banned by their league or the NCAA from all future competitions for "hate speech".

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Sure. Fair. But we're the majority! We can't lose if we all stand up!

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Sep 19Liked by Jennifer Sey

It's a collective-action problem. If EVERY team facing SJSU would pull out (even if they do not state a reason), THAT would get some serious attention. But this sort of thing is hard to organize.

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You are correct Jennifer, but I've made the point that MarkS, Doug and many other men have - this will not stop, until girls, their parents and women opt out and refuse to legitimize and condone these opportunistic, perverted and cheating males, with their presence and participation. The only reason they have gained any traction is, females have agreed to compete with and against them.

I get understandable pushback every time I make this point, but there is no way around it. You point out the problematic elephant in the room, solidarity. The opt out strategy doesn't work, unless it is overwhelming, if not unanimous. However, given what we are seeing from players and parents, winning is more important than preventing the erasure, abuse and molestation of girls and women, by men pretending to be women. They are focusing on a trophy or scholarship, when the societal and cultural ramifications stretch a century or more into the future and will determine the culture the next generation declares to be normal.

All these money making conferences will sit up and take notice as the girls/women opt out by lining up for whatever competition they are in then balking at the start, to ensure the male starts, but then runs, swims or plays alone.

What people need to see is not just the the refusal by the girls/women, but also the obvious ridiculousness of a male pretending to be a female, which becomes glaringly clear - when you remove the real females.

When you finally get girls, parents and women to really support one another, as well as kick out the radfems pushing this crap, it will die off in about 4 to 6 months.

Best of luck girls. This really has nothing to do with trophies or scholarships.

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I understand the pushback but I agree. There isn't another way. Sacrifice is necessary. The sports governing bodies will not do the right thing until forced.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 23Liked by Jennifer Sey

Unfortunately, it is always that way, with profit based conflicts. I made the point elsewhere that these girls and women are in essence workers for those governing bodies, but without the paycheck. As such, they are now in a labor dispute and have reached the point where their negotiations and demands have been soundly rebuffed and ignored. They are at the point of a strike and the longer they don’t, the weaker they become.

One last thing. From the outside and many men I talk to, the crossed fingers and arms are an appeasement tactic, sold to the girls, parents and women as a power display of protest. In reality, it was a sly move to keep them competing, while giving them a non damaging (to the sport and agenda) action they could rally around - without walking away. It was a capture technique, that few recognized.

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I was married to one of those dudes for 20 years. That is, 16 plus the 4 years it took me to get the divorce after I discovered his secret crossdressing life. These announcers are participating in fullscale erasure of women. My ex has been competing in women's martial arts since the mid-1990s, and expecting praise from women for this all the way. Though he probably doesn't have the verticals of this player, never did, he does have a kind of superhuman anger at those of us who won't bow to him as a god(dess). The "Lia Thomas style fetish wall" will likely appear as soon as our side's researchers are done with a thorough examination of his social media posts. I was the only woman I knew of whose husband did this, back in the 1990s. I often wish a dozen or so of us had engaged in noisy, publicized divorces, taking them to a jury trial and custody battle, if we could have let it be known that we women do not invite men into our sisterhood. No matter how this, or how that.

Just NO.

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Sep 19Liked by Jennifer Sey

Trans woman with an oversized male ego. Who da thunk?

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We need to keep outing them so they can’t hide. Some males who transitioned as teens are going undercover as this Fleming person apparently did. Another male volleyball player from Southern California also hid his sex until outed, and has a scholarship to U. Wash revoked. They need to own what they are doing.

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The President of the NCAA is Charlie Baker. He is the recent Governor of Massachusetts. A Republican, of all things. But, a New England Republican is not a real Republican. This issue of men playing sports on women’s college teams will be a big test of his leadership. I don’t have high hopes.

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Huh, what a "surprise"<literally dripping with sarcasm>. How utterly disgusting of this loser, coward, and bully. Shame on the women who play on his team who enable him to do this. They are standing behind the coward and bully. Shame on them as well. They are co-bullies. Who can rightly think that they have truly won?! In my book that makes them all losers. I'd like to see how well they would play if he wasn't on their team.

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Hey. You hear about the volleyball player who was born a female, then at age 16 became a male, and now dominates the men's volleyball league? No? Me neither! Ever notice how all the star athlete transgenders are men who claim to be women, not the other way around. What an amazing coincidence. I have daughters and just told them the other day how glad I am that they are not interested in competitive sports. I can't imagine how horrible that must be. At some point in the future, people will look back on this time period like we look back on the Dark Ages.

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Hi Jennifer 👋 I agree with everything you're saying. Do you have a source or link you can provide so we know for sure this Fleming player is male? I want to be able to restack and refer to your article but to do that I feel it's important to have the concrete facts. Thank you.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I am betting the farm on the Spartans Women's Volleyball team going undefeated this year! Off to Vegas I go...

Ladies, time for you to "man" up. Your complacency = complicity. It won't change until your attitudes do. Good luck! Signed, the father of a daughter that has had to put up with BS, too.

P.S. Just delete LinkedIn. It's dumb and useless in the first place. It'll be OK.

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I imagine that the women on his team ignore this under the banner of “kindness, acceptance, and inclusion”, which I’m sure serves them well amongst the bien pensant but in I’m sure that in reality the base desire to win is the driving force.

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W.O.W. And Wow are two completely different things but according to the status quo. It's nothing but letters.

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